GHK Lall – an extraordinary empath

Dear Editor,
With the passage of time, GHK Lall is making himself out to be fearless, crazily fearless. There was a time when he was so timid and vague in his writing that one had difficulty determining the subject and/or object of his comments. This is the writing style of a graduate from a fifth-grade university.
Over time, I grew to understand Lall as no more than an expert in the use of adjectives. I am not sure if he has any experience in washing sidewalks on Wall Street, New York. But there is more to this man Lall. In a recent letter he wrote, and which was published in a section of the media on July 11, 2024 under the caption, “Hughes presence in the Local Political Milieu and Jagdeo’s changing modus operandi”, Lall’s latent talents as a mental telepath are revealed. Lall writes:
Because of Nigel Hughes, Jagdeo is running mad
Jagdeo has never been charged up on any development in Guyana as with the emergence of Hughes.
Jagdeo has an insatiable lust for power and has peculiar joys with money.
Jagdeo is distraught about the appearance of Hughes.
Jagdeo is tormented by Glen Lall
Jagdeo has fears about Hughes
Hughes is held high by many Guyanese voters
Jagdeo was rattled by Exxon’s statement that there is no conflict of interest in its relationship with Hughes.
Jagdeo has fears about Hughes.
Jagdeo expels bodily fluids with thoughts about Hughes, perhaps uncontrollably.
Perhaps the world has never seen nor known an empath such as GHK Lall, who can so boldly reveal so much about Jagdeo’s thoughts and emotions. He should be careful not to be close to Jagdeo when the latter, according to Lall, is in a moment of the uncontrollable excretion of bodily fluids, because Jagdeo is quite likely to drench him.
These remarks by Lall undoubtedly show his disrespect for a distinguished Guyanese leader, Bharrat Jagdeo. It is quite acceptable for Lall to have views differing from Jagdeo and/or the PPP/C Government, but it is quite a different thing when a man who holds himself out as being morally upright and decent can write disrespectfully and disparagingly about a national leader. In such a circumstance, Lall’s comments on Jagdeo are revolting and unacceptable, and he unmasks himself as a reprehensible person.
It appears, given his now public associations, that GHK Lall writes to please and/or amuse his handlers. On internet shows, appearing with critics of the PPP/C Government, he seems to relish the worthless commendations paid to him for his anti-government posture. His ego seems fed on such occasions. But I daresay that neither Nigel Hughes, who is a political embryo, nor a Gross Horrible Knave can match the stature of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo. I believe that Nigel Hughes is not a recurring thought in Jagdeo’s world, and for Jagdeo, Hughes perhaps carries no more than footnote status.
Lall wrote a book on the 2015 elections (but not one on the 2020 elections.) In his book, in which Nigel Hughes wrote the “Foreword”, Lall misguidedly referred to David Granger as the “G Force”. Many Guyanese now know how inept and poor Granger and his Government were about governance in Guyana. Indeed, David Granger turned out to be no more than a damp squib in Guyana’s political experience. Lall has a poor record of political predictions. In the instant case of Nigel Hughes, he does have silence as an option.

Selwyn Persaud