Go-Invest urges formation of consortiums

…as Rupununi Business Investment Expo returns

The once-annual Rupununi Business Investment Expo returned to the town of Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo) after two years as a result of the restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The two-day event which opened on Saturday saw mainly residents of both North and South Rupununi along with large businesses including government agencies and businesses from neighbouring Brazil. Some 25 Amerindian villages were represented at the Expo. Region Nine is referred to as an integral part of Guyana’s development process.
This is according to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Go-Invest Perter Ramroop.
According to the CEO, who was speaking at the official opening of the event which was held at Tabatinga Sports Complex, more time needs to be spent on what is produced in Lethem, noting that Northern Brazil is looking.
“Northern Brazil is landlocked but they have significant agriculture products that need to get to wider markets. Guyana provides that opportunity with the ‘road to Brazil’ or the ‘road to Lethem’ is not just a road; it is bringing together regional aspects of our integration. How do we all participate in the value-added chain? Even though Brazil may come in with a product, if it can be produced in Guyana and has a ‘made in Guyana’ stamp and it can get to the harbor and get to Barbados where we are building the food terminal, all of us will be able to benefit from it,” Ramroop explained.


“If we want to gain the wealth of Guyana, we all have to step in and figure out how we contribute,” he said targeting his comments to the business community.
The expo was hosted by the Rupununi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), the government and ExxonMobil.
Ramroop called on the business community to form consortiums.
“No one individual in this Region or any part of Guyana can do it by ourselves. We need to come together and figure out how was can get a wider market for our valued-added products.”
The Go-Invest CEO asked the Rupununi business community to see where they fit in as it relates to benefiting from business and business opportunities in Brazil.

The main economic activity in Region Nine is tourism. As such Tourism Minister Oneidge Waldron said the government was partnering with the RCCI o show its commitment to working with the chamber.
She pointed out the Expo evolved from a simple market day.
“The contemporary Expo generates interest, not only within Region Nine, but we now see participation from other regions in Guyana, from Brazil and from the Caribbean. Our presence here today and our support for the Rupununi Expo is because of our belief that development must occur in every village, every town, every county and every region of our country ad Region Nine is no exception.”
Minister Waldron remains committed to small business development and will continue to support small and micro enterprises.
“This is evident by the tangible support that we have offered small businesses in the Region,” she noted.

Integral role
Meanwhile, Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai pointed out that Amerindian villages play an integral role in the development of the Region ad were also well represented at the expo.
She said while in the Rupununi most persons made their living off of tourism more attention needs to be placed on the service sector.
According to the Amerindian Affairs Minister, there is a need for people to place more emphasis on sustainable agriculture. To this end her Ministry has been working with the Agriculture Ministry to expand tourism in the region.
“Cassava can become the main product that the Rupununi can export.”
She took the opportunity to thank the RCCI for including the village in the Expo.
“The Rupununi is nothing without the Amerindian villages. It would just be a single location in this Region and therefore I must congratulate them for this inclusion and allowing them to grow with the business and private sector of this Region.”
Housing Minister Collin Croal who also attended the opening ceremony in congratulating the RCCI for ensuring that the Expo returns said the Expo is also a facet of the One Guyana notion.”
“When we speak of the development of Rupununi Region Nine it is important that it transcends into the villages and development at the community level. We would like for the Chamber to also play a greater role in working with many of these communities and Villages Councils.”
President of the RCCI Daniel Gajie said he would like to see the Expo continue in 2023. (G4)