Govt needs to urgently implement the Local Government Commission

Dear Editor,
There must now be a genuine national call for the establishment of the Local Government Commission. In this respect, the callous and increasingly profane behaviour of the Communities Minister and the Government has become too damning and contemptuous, not to mention uncaring and boastful in the face of increased sufferings and discomfort in many local government quarters.
The impact of the disgraceful behaviour ripples across every Local Government Area (LGA) while the Minister exercises partiality in pledging commitment to some. The recent pledge at the GAM event held at the Marriott, exemplifies the partisan approach. But let it be known that the obligations of the Minister and the Government, is to every citizen in every LGA; and its deliberate and consistent failings in this regards is tantamount to malfeasance in public office.
The nation continues to witnesses the silent acceptance of many unscrupulous and unacceptable examples of ruthlessness under the watch of the Communities Minster. The toleration of these discriminatory actions negatively impact scores of brilliant graduates who are looking for the jobs promised by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC). It has become very obvious that the qualifications required to fill any available position is the PNC party card. The Government jettison standard acceptable practices in favour of the old “party paramountcy” system of the Burnham era. In fact, mostly ‘party hawks’, many of them pensioners, are being positioned without having the necessary public service requirements.
It is also very obvious that while there are many vacancies and other disciplinary problematic issues in the Local Authority Areas, the defacto APNU/AFC coalition Government operatives are acting in breach of their constitutional obligations by deliberately not establishing the Local Government Commission. It seems as though they no longer see this approved oversight body as viable. Instead, they are employing pensioners and political cronies, many of whom cannot string two sentences together. The approach evidences a lack of transparency in the recruitment process while breaching the employment norms and practices within the Public Service.
There is much evidence to confirm that many vacancies are not being advertised, and no applications are being submitted for available positions. Further, no short listing of suitable applicants for the filling of vacancies and no interviews are done. This APNU/AFC Government has absolutely no respect for the laws and rules in the Constitution. These breaches in the employment practice are clear manipulations to discriminate against our young people, in particular, against young Indians and Amerindians.
There are many examples of the ‘Blatant acts of discrimination’ which must be stopped. While we are restrained in mentioning the details of the many issues of displacement based on possible future impact on the persons affected, the following apt example paints the picture. Only recently in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), a young Indian professional, Haimraj Hamandeo, the holder of a Masters Degree, went through all the public service procedures and was initially accepted for the position of Deputy Regional Executive Officer (DREO), but was subsequently viciously denied the job.
The vacancy arose after the former DREO; Sunil Singh was transferred to another region. Hamandeo applied for the vacant DREO position and was called for an interview at the Public Service Ministry. Among all the persons present at the interview, was the Regional Executive Officer Rupert Hopkinson. Young Hamandeo was successful at the interview and was appointed to the job as DREO.
As required, young Hamandeo turned up to work but was never accepted by the same PNC REO, Hopkinson, and was badly treated and humiliated. As a result he, who was the most qualified applicant for the position was denied the job. The situation in Region Two stinks!!! It is also known that the REO Hopkinson has handpicked six staff that is far above the retirement age with one being over 70 years. The situation in Region Two is so compromised that we are seeing the lethargic and geriatrics in action.
In Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), the situation has also been radical and blatantly exposed the political agenda, deceit, and non prioritisation of the nation’s youths by APNU/AFC. It was known that a vacancy exists for a Deputy Regional Executive Officer for months. This vacancy was never advertised. However, recently a former Member of Parliament of the PNC turned up and took the office. The political crony Jennifer Ferreira Dougall, age 63 years, is a square peg in a ‘round hole’ and is believed to be a total misfit who has been creating hell for the longstanding decent staff in the region. Further, while she is 63 years old, two other workers age 58 and 59 years old were sent home because of their age. It is also known that the position of DREO ought to be Administrative and one which the incumbent should be all embracing and devoid of political displays.
However, since her catapult into the regional office, Ferreira Dougall has been publicly interviewed on Malika Ramsey’s West Side Story. According to the DREO’s words in this interview, the initiatives on the way forward for Region Three is the empowerment of youths through the formation of ‘YSM groups’; ‘Self-help work to dig drains’ in communities and using women to influence men politically the Burnham way. Totally lawless!!
The situation is totally hypocritical, despicable and unacceptable. At the same time, the Communities Ministry lacks the focus of reasoning and fair play, and the Minister is unable to give leadership to that Ministry. The changes have to be demanded NOW.
We call on the Government to implement the Local Government Commission Now!!

Neil Kumar