Govt pumps $489M for rehabilitation of vital infrastructure in Kwakwani
Thousands of residents and commuters of Kwakwani Region Ten are slated to benefit from critical infrastructural upgrades valued at a sum of $489 million.
These infrastructural works aim to bolster connectivity and accessibility in the mining and logging community.
The announcement was made by Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, during the inspection of the Kwakwani barge last Thursday.
“We came and we sat with the NDC and allotted $200 million and we walk with them, found out what are their priorities and we delivered on every one of those roads we committed to. Now in 2024, we are doing another $489 million in road works.”
This will see works being undertaken on the Kwakwani Waterfront Road by Jemcorp Engineering and Imports in rigid pavement concrete to the tune of $225.6 million.
Public Works Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill inspecting work programme for Kwakwani
Spanning some 1000 meters in length and 6.1 meters in width, the six-month project commenced on June 14 is expected to be completed by December 14.
Continuation works are also being executed on the Orealla to Kwakwani road project. Orin’s Supreme Enterprise is foregoing this massive project to the tune of $181.8 million spanning 20 kilometers in length and 7.62 meters in width.
The project has a similar timeline of six-months and is expected to be completed by December 14.
Additionally, Minister Edghill noted that the road linking project is in its fourth phase and once completed, will reduce the travel time for persons transporting goods and services as well as those in forestry that have concessions in these far-flung areas.
Persons blasting quarries at Orealla will also be able to utilise the thoroughfare to transport and sell their aggregates at the market.
Internal thoroughfares and drainage works are also set to be rehabilitated by VG Group Guyana Incorporated. This will see the road between Kwakwani and Hururu being upgraded for easier accessibility for commuters particularly, school children.
The works are valued at $82.2 million and is being executed in asphalt spanning 600 meters in length and 6.1 meters in width. The project duration is four months with works set to be completed by October 14.
According to the minister, the magnitude of infrastructural works in the sub-region is for the benefit of the people as well as the economic development of the region.