GRA unearths 24 packs of ganja between bedsheets shipped from USA

The Customs and law enforcement officers of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) on Monday discovered 24 packs of cannabis concealed between several bedsheets imported in a parcel from the USA. The discovery was made at the Linden Post Office.
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) stated that the consignee made good her escape when confronted and the suspected illicit items were handed over to the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) for further investigations and possible prosecution.
With the observation of the alarming trend of smuggling of prohibited and restricted items (firearms, drugs etc) through personal consignments, the Authority once again advises all such persons dealing, or in contemplation of such activities to cease therefrom.
The Revenue Authority also entreats the general public to report any illicit, unlawful or smuggling activities on telephone number 227-6060, extensions 3201, 3204, 3205, 3211, 3212, or 3408.
All information provided will be dealt with strict confidentiality.