Home Sports Grand Coastal Golf Classic tees off today
Organizers of the much anticipated annual Grand Coastal Hotel Golf Classic tournament are hoping the inclement weather does not have much influence over the weekend, as they prepare to tee off today at 08:30hrs at the Lusignan Golf Club.
Grand Coastal Hotel and Conference Centre, located on the East Coast of Demerara, has been sponsoring Golf tournaments for past 12 years, and had partnered with DIGICEL in 2016 to sponsor the annual Guyana Open International Golf tournament.
As a joint initiative of Grand Coastal’s CEO Kevin Daby and LGC President Aleem Hussain, Grand Coastal began its partnership with the LGC by offering the incentives of special rates in addition to free golf coaching to its guests at the LGC.
Daby reiterated Grand Coastal’s pleasure in continuing the years of sponsorship, which was started by his father in support of Golf in Guyana. Tomorrow Daby will be inducted as an Honorary Member as a gesture of appreciation for Grand Coastal’s long and continuing support of the Golf Club.
The Grand Coastal Classic is open to all golfers in Guyana (members and non-members) who feel that they can take on the challenge of the “Green Anaconda,” the proposed brand name for the Lusignan Golf Club.
Non-members are required to pay a nominal tournament fee which covers the green’s fee, lunch and a caddie for the18-hole tournament, and are asked to contact the Club at 220-5660 or 668-7419 for information on how to register.
Prizes will be awarded for first to fourth Best Net scores, Best Gross score, Longest Drive and Nearest to a designated Pin. The public is invited, and is reminded that to witness this t and enjoy the ambience of the improved Lusignan Golf Course and there is no charge for entry.
Free introductory Golf lessons will be conducted tomorrow. Information can also be had by email, [email protected] or by visiting the Club’s Facebook page – Lusignan Golf.