Granger returns to Cuba on Tuesday for further treatment
After being diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma earlier this month and spending three weeks in Cuba, President David Granger is expected to return to that country on Tuesday next to continue his chemotherapy treatment.
State Minister Joseph Harmon during his weekly post-Cabinet briefing on Friday disclosed that, even though Granger’s workload has been reduced, he remains in charge of the state’s business.
Harmon highlighted, nevertheless, that the president has been “giving orders” and is “conducting meetings” on a regular basis. Further, he noted that even though Granger is in much better health than when he left Guyana, he is required to visit Cuba frequently depending on his treatment schedule.
The president was required to return to Havana at a time prescribed by his medical
President David Granger and First Lady Sandra Granger
team in order to evaluate the progress of his recovery and to extend his treatment schedule.
On October 30, 2018, the President and First Lady Sandra Granger travelled to Cuba for him to undergo medical tests after he complained of feeling unwell.
He was subsequently diagnosed with a type of cancer that develops in the lymphatic system.
He was discharged from the hospital on November 6 after undergoing a series of tests and surgical procedures. He returned to Guyana on November 20 after he was given approval by his medical team to travel.
His restriction to travel has led to the president not voting at the Local Government Elections (LGE) on November 12.