‘Green’ vision for City just a ‘corner shop gaff’

Dear Editor,
Two years ago, riding on the coat tails of President David Granger’s ‘Green’ vision for Guyana, the Town Clerk of Georgetown enthusiastically demanded that citizens wrap their minds around a new, healthier and greener Georgetown, which he was going to create.
He laid out an elaborate plan for citizens and other stakeholders to participate in the various spheres associated with a revitalisation drive, indicating that he would include a “no tolerance” policy for persons who, among other violations, arbitrarily destroy or occupy city property; and dump, or cause waste to be dumped illegally. He would dissuade the use of harmful chemicals in Georgetown; encourage the planting of more trees, and advocate the removal of vagrants and homeless persons — whom he declared contributed to the ugliness and filth within the city. In short, he declared that the city shall have a grand return to glory, and its citizens shall have their health improved through related programmes that he would implement through exercise and healthy eating.  Now, two years later, all of this turns out to be nothing more than a ‘corner shop gaff’. Where is the green infrastructure in the city? Where are the green jobs in the communities? Where are the green streets and community open spaces? Has the Town Clerk improved his health through exercise and healthy eating, let alone others!
Can the Mayor and Town Clerk tell the citizens why they are being driven around all day long in gas guzzling sports utility monsters that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and contribute to climate change? Why can’t they ride bicycles to work, like the former Deputy Mayor did?
I have observed that City Hall’s Environmental Health gangs still go around with spray cans filled with pesticide to control rodents and vector in the city. This is far from being green.
Do they have any green Engineers on the staff strength?
The only thing City Hall has going green are the pay envelopes of the fat cats there, which are stuffed with ,000 dollar bills.

Anu Bihari