“Grey Boy” charged for threatening Crum-Ewing’s mother
Regan “Grey Boy” Rodriguez appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Friday and declared that he is trusting in God through the singing of gospels after being charged again, this time with threatening Donna Harcourt, the mother of Courtney Crum-Ewing.
The 39-year-old, who was just a few months ago found not guilty of the execution-style killing of Crum-Ewing by City Magistrate Judy Latchman, denied that he committed the act of threatening language.
Magistrate Dylan Best read the charge to him, which stated that on August 12, 2017, at Regent and Wellington Streets, Georgetown, he made use of threatening language against Harcourt.
The father of two lamented his frustration stating that many reports have been made against him by the family of Crum-Ewing following his release however; it was only until reports were made to a “certain officer close to the family” was he arrested and charged.
Police Prosecutor Christopher Morris had no bail objections but asked that the defendant be placed on a bond to keep the peace until the completion of the matter.
Before granting the defendant bail, Magistrate Best warmed Rodriguez to trust in the court system and to exhibit self-control if it a case where he is being provoked.
He was ordered to keep the peace and released on ,000 bail. The case will continue on September 15.
Rodriguez was released on September 14, 2016, owing to insufficient evidence as the prosecution failed to establish a case against him for murder.
Subsequently, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) ordered the case reopened one month ago. The sole purpose of this remit, according to the DPP’s chambers, is to take further evidence from Police witnesses and to rule on the voluntariness of all oral statements of the accused.
Attorney Nigel Hughes was appointed as a Special Prosecutor in the case.
However, on June 5, 2017, Magistrate Latchman set Rodriguez free again stating that no actual evidence was presented to the court to prove that Rodrigues pulled the trigger.
The following day however, he was again before the court after the DPP ordered that he be committed for the murder. Magistrate Latchman did not comply and set Rodriguez free.
Crum-Ewing was gunned down as he was urging residents of Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara to cast their ballots in the May 2015 General Elections.