Guyana salutes the original inheritors of this sacred land

Dear Editor,
September month is declared “Amerindian Heritage Month.” This auspiciousness was the brainchild of the PPP/C Party in 1995, and was birthed by the late founder/leader Dr. Cheddi Jagan, himself a past President of Guyana.
The coming of the Indians is celebrated in the month of May as “Indian Immigration Day”, and August month is known for “Emancipation Day,” in recognition of the freedom of African slaves. The history of this nation also incorporates the Europeans, Portuguese and Chinese.
Should there not be a particular month dedicated to each of these ethnicities also as inclusivity? We are no longer a land of six people, but more people, now that there is a 20 percent representation of a mixed race that is so affluent in our society and crucial to the voting electorate.
How do we identify the conception of the “Dougla” initiation? Perhaps this class is the silent deciding factor in determining the strength of the country to unite and not divide, to catapult a future generation, and to be the catalyst for peace, and not conflict.
Entering the picture also is the influx of our neighbours, Surinamese, Brazilians and Venezuelans. The mixture of Guyanese and our neighbours will again produce another mix. Guyana is set to become the seat of cosmopolitan, if it is no so already, taking into consideration the togetherness of other nations.
No wonder the problem with ExxonMobil is no longer a Guyanese fight, but an international affair. The pie is not only huge, but of variable consolidation.
President Dr. Irfaan Ali, in his greetings, rightly said the Indigenous People must have their integrity restored, dignity and birth right. After all, they are the true owners and founders of this land now called Guyana. It had belonged to their great, great, great, great, great grandparents, and land entitlement should not be spontaneous, but instantaneous and automatic.
Deputy Speaker Lenox Shuman and other members of the dynasty have the real right over any recent car owner or acclaimer to stake a claim for land lordship in any part of this land. But, no, they don’t. We can learn a lesson in modesty and selflessness from them, despite the fact that we deny them property entitlement.
They also never had any paperwork to provide as proof. Their culture is the living proof. Guyana needs to foster greater responsibility to harness this rich heritage and provide for their welfare.
The PPP/C Government has an attractive manifesto, which includes taking care of their interests, and President Ali has incorporated its priority to ensure that the hinterland is not overlooked, because the development of Guyana relies on the people of the interior and their environment.
It is only the PPP/C Party that can see “eyeball to eyeball” with all the communities in all the regions. They are committed to a cause for all the genuine reasons, and there is nothing selfish, greedy or discriminative about their intentions.
President Irfaan Ali and the First Lady have already begun reaching out to the people of this land as they had promised; and are ready, willing and capable to effect changes that would positively affect Guyanese lives.
Their visits have been very receptive, cordial and significant. There is nothing deceptive about meeting the people, but to stay in touch with the masses and get direct feedback. A programme to care and share has been established from day one.
They are the forefront leaders, while others are mere followers and have a vision to dream only, and are not capable of exercising this determination for the real, right and meaningful purposes, except for selfishness and advertisement.
A lost cause is worthless, because you need to strike the iron when it is hot. No wonder the PPP/C Party won the election, because the majority of Guyanese trust them to get the job done in the legitimate way. The PPP/C party does not have to lie and cheat its way in order to win the hearts of the Guyanese people, nor does it have to apply cosmetics.
As Guyana salutes the original inheritors of this sacred land, let us also commend the members of the PPP/C Party for their foresight to have the strength and determination to undo a wrong, and to not want to deny the Indigenous People their entitlements.
Rehiring those 2,000 CSOs fired by the APNU/AFC Party is moving in the right direction, along with all the other ambitious benefits that President Ali has outlined.
It will be a remarkable feature for all those achievements to materialise, for the Amerindians deserve nothing less, but even more.
May all of Guyana hold the welfare of each Guyanese close to our hearts, so that Guyana can remain truly united as one people in one nation with one destiny. The history of the Indigenous People needs to be publicised more.

Jai Lall