Guyana stuck in ‘imbalance mode’

Dear Editor,
I would like to take this opportunity to commend Christine Bissessar for her letter “Why was Rajendra Bissessar betrayed and underutilised for so long?”.
Perhaps Christine Bissessar needs to direct her question more directly at Volda Lawrence who invoked that she was only hiring PNC people.
Guyanese politicians are not hiring people who are best suited to the job. They are hiring people who are affiliated to them. Hence, Guyana is stuck in underdevelopment mode.
Even without oil money, Guyana has enough resources to be a medium developed nation with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of about US$10,000 as opposed to the current GDP per capita of US$4500. The problem is that politics and politicians have too much sway in what gets done in Guyana. I do not envisage this situation changing soon.
With the educational system failing Guyanese and with some local Guyanese not wanting Guyanese from the Guyanese diaspora to get involved in Guyana’s development (now that oil has been discovered) I just do not envisage Guyana being on an upward trajectory. I say this because the politicians will be doing the same thing the same way over and over again and expect a different result.

Yours faithfully,
Sean Ori