Almost one month after the Guyana Times first highlighted the unsanitary condition obtaining at the La Parfaite Harmonie Health Centre, the Regional Administration of Region 3 (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) is yet to address some of the issues, which include putting a door on one of the washrooms and repairing the
The washroom that is yet to get a door
This publication, in a visit to the only health facility in one of Guyana’s largest housing schemes, saw the compound with grass as high as 3ft tall, lack of proper sanitary facilities, no waste bins, lack of potable water, and no facility for the security guards.
However, in an effort to dispute the Guyana Times’ article, Junior Health Minister Dr Karen Cummings and Deputy Regional Executive Officer Jennifer Ferreira-Dougall, together with a team of officials, visited the facility.
But prior to the visit, the Regional Administration hurriedly executed emergency works, which included weeding of the compound, clearing of the bushes, and setting up of pipes to enable running water.
During the visit, the Minister said she was pleased with the current state of the facility, while the DREO took a jab at the press, stating that no newspaper article would hinder progress in the region.
However, several persons whom this newspaper spoke with noted that the progress seems to be just a word being thrown around by the Administration, since
Garbage at the back of the compound
it has been almost one month since the state of affairs was highlighted and more than a year since it happened, and the washroom is yet to get a door.
On another visit to this facility, it was observed that the toilets are not flushing and the general cleanliness of the place leaves much to be desired. Pregnant mothers are forced to endure that atrocity when they have to use the toilet during their visit to the prenatal clinic.
The back of the compound is somewhat flooded, and acts as a breeding ground for mosquitoes and garbage, which is still being dumped and burned at the back of
The washroom which has a door but acts as a storage area
the facility. However, two new garbage bins have been added to the compound, and the grass is at an average height.
Several calls to the DREO went unanswered.
Regional Executive Officer Dennis Jaikarran had said that the region is not responsible for the La Parfaite Harmonie Housing Scheme, since it is still under the control of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA). He added that the Malgre Tout/Meer-Zorgen Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) would assist in clearing the compound of the healthcare facility.