– stall owners counting losses at La Penitence Market
As Guyana continues to experience excessive rainfall owing to the May-June rainy season, stall owners at the La Penitence Market are left counting their losses as a result of the deteriorating roofing system which leaves the market susceptible to flooding.
Guyana Times was told that the roofing system of the market continues to disintegrate and nothing is being done to resolve the issue. This is despite numerous complaints made by vendors to the market’s management.
The leaking roof exacerbates the facility’s vulnerability to flooding as water easily gushes in from the drainage system with the slightest of rainfall.
A patient wading through the flood waters in the compound of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)
During a visit to the market on Thursday, vendors at the well-known La Penitence shopping hub expressed their aggrievance over the deplorable conditions under which they are forced to operate.
Speaking to this publication, Mahabeer Chunilall, the owner of two stalls, explained the difficulties experienced whenever it rained.
A portion of the market affected by the flooding
“Since February month I am punishing with this. The zinc break and I’m reporting it steady, and nobody coming to do anything about it,” Chunilall lamented.
The frustrated stall owner pointed out that the contractor attached to the market has visited on two separate occasions and continues to make empty promises. As a matter of fact, the vendor even took it upon himself to purchase the materials for the renovation, and was merely waiting on the construction workers to commence the repairs.
Chunilall went on to say that customers were often deterred from visiting his stalls on account of the water leaking from the roof and, as such, he was significantly affected by the deteriorating conditions of the Market.
Another stall owner also expressed dismay over the conditions, noting that she and other vendors were severely affected by the poor state of the facility. “All over the market leaking…look the market flooding and nobody ain’t saying nothing. I want the Council come and repair the market, because the stall roof got to repair,” the women, who had been vending at the Market for a number of years, said.
Moreover, the disgruntled vendors indicated to this newspaper, stalls would close for days whenever it rained, as they were unable to operate in the water-drenched facility. Nonetheless, they are still forced to come up with their monthly payments and therefore continue to suffer a loss.
As such, they are calling on the Georgetown Mayor and City Council to commence renovation given that vending is the sole source of income for many playing their trade at the La Penitence Market.