Dear Editor,
Just when you think the PNC cannot come up with any more shenanigans to drag out the time for holding elections, their chief caretaker, chief plenarist Mr Granger, continues to show great contempt for the people of Guyana and the Constitution. Mr Granger has still not made a proclamation to enact elections and has not dissolved Parliament as required.
Despite local protests and international calls for the proclamation of an election date, the chief caretaker, whose party has wilfully dragged out the process, seems delusional and now thinks the PPP will go to Parliament and sanitise all their wicked deeds. What’s wrong with these people? This man who has been violating the Constitution for nine months now and refusing to implement decisions of the highest courts can glibly lie that he has been in compliance with the Constitution.
The Government is now illegal. In March the PNC said Cabinet had resigned and they were a “plenary.” Now, after the CCJ has ruled against them, the PNC said, “Cabinet has not resigned,” and they still meet as a Cabinet and carry on as usual. The PNC has now proven that they cannot be trusted with power. Will they leave office when defeated at the next election, or will they pull all these stunts of filing frivolous lawsuits to stay on indefinitely?
Civil society must stand up now for Guyana. The international organisations must impose sanctions and bring on the pressure. If Caricom is going to remain silent, the new PPP Government must reexamine the usefulness of Caricom to Guyana.
Also, Guyanese in Canada must lobby the Canadian Government to chime in on the illegality of the PNC regime.
To the PNC – you have lost all those crossover votes that helped you win in 2015. You will not be trusted any more. While the PPP demitted office twice and can be trusted to act democratically, we understand that the PNC’s game is once they get in, they do not intend to get out. And that is dictatorship.
Mr Granger has forever lost all goodwill and has demonised his party and people once again.
Jerry Singh