How to destroy a country in three years

Dear Editor,
There is the undeniable fact that Guyana, on its quest to develop our country are bombarded on every front by hostile forces. We are navigating through waters that are hostile, vindictive and unpatriotic; forces that are on a straight path of destabilisation. In the first place they would like The Government to renegotiate everything that was legally done by The Coalition, doing so with strong authoritarian appeal! But I will get back to that renegotiation deal matter later.
First, they are demanding an exorbitant pay rise from the same oil monies, the GTU being the main culprits in this regard. In was the political operative of the GTU’s mistaken belief that they could have called out the entire public service in a huge Opposition Political showdown to force the government into giving in to their inordinate demand, this did not happen! Now that they have lost face, Coretta is desperately trying the damage control mechanism by exploring the court system. But that will not take place until Friday’s Lopsided Court Ruling is properly adjusted.
After a CCJ Ruling, negotiations can move forward in a spirit of discipline, amiability and mutual respect. I rest my case.
So, let us get back to the raucous call for renegotiation of the oil deal signed by the Coalition and what is the PPP/C’s responsibility in all of this? You would recall that the PSA Agreement of 2016 was signed between a legally elected government and the Oil Giant Exxon Mobil; this was a free legally binding deal between the two international entities. No gun was pointed to his head, neither was it done under duress, the minister was in his right mind when the deal was signed.
That is why, I will reiterate the point that the people of a country ought to be extra vigilant and careful when they elect a government into office. It is a binding contract they are making for those individuals to make all transactions on their behalf. So, that PSA Agreement was legally binding. Now that the Coalition and its sympathizers are in opposition, they’ve had a change of heart, they contend that the agreement was lopsidedly done, to the extent that they did not know what they were doing when that agreement was signed?
They fully well knew what to do with the $18M first oil signing bonus monies, but all other financial arrangements they would want to absolve themselves. Utterly preposterous! So, let us see get back to the “Renegotiating debate” and how we’ve got here?
The PPP/C came into office in August 2020 and have made huge changes in the economic and physical landscape of this country; this is nothing short of phenomenal. At this pivotal juncture the newly minted Christopher Columbuses have suddenly made a discovery, that we should renegotiate the PSA Agreement of The Coalition with immediate effect!
Well, for starters, that is not how it is done, these types of renegotiations take years to complete, oftentimes with bruising court deliberations involving millions of dollars. The end result will be, and I repeat, will be at a loss to Guyana. So, the question is, why should Guyana be bogged down, waste valuable time and money, when the future good in major developmental works are in progress? We have a futuristic goal in mind which marks a push for massive development in all sectors of the economy, and may I say nothing is going to stop us now!
Secondly, our government cannot in midstream change our minds and get ourselves bogged down with renegotiating matters; this is not a cake shop deal as opposition forces have it. It is also a point of note, the doomsday group eagerly await a massive oil spill to take place. It all adds up to the backward, diabolical plans they have for this country.
They may look at it through their own myopic and unpatriotic eyes as losing money to the Oil giant; however, big minds see it as small destabilising forces trying desperately to bring The Government as well as our country down. Simply put, it undermines investor confidence in one’s country, which Guyana can ill afford at this time.
Our discussion is not for small uneducated minds, ours is for the future good of our country. So, when I sarcastically created that caption “How to destroy a country a country in three years,” when you look at opposition forces you get the full picture.

Neil Adams