…and getting bitten
There’s the old English observation about those who want to “run with the hare and hunt with the hounds”. The saying goes back to that quintessentially English sportsmanlike fun activity of having a pack of hounds (beagles) leading a pack of Englishmen to run down a poor hare or rabbit that would be killed and eaten at the end. The moral of the saying, of course, claims there are some who want to have it both ways – but it just can’t be done!!
If not for anything but you’ll end up being bitten by the hound! The poor hares, of course, can’t do anything when the putative two-timer is in their midst!! In Guyana, some in the PNC think WPA’s David Hinds exemplifies this schizoid tendency by insisting he supports the Government yet, on occasions, gives comfort to the enemy PPP! Hinds, however, insists he’s actually an “objective” analyst, so he has to criticise the Government on occasion. And he can’t understand why the Government snipes at him!
Hinds has a point. He’s NEVER ever supported the PPP – and in fact has vowed to oppose it to the bitter end, come what may. Take his latest supposed “pot shot” at the Government that claims the latter isn’t giving its partners in the coalition enough space at the table. The caption to his column in the Chronic says it all: “The coalition parties must be empowered if the PPP is to be stopped”. He’d merely insisting for more power to destroy the PPP. He ain’t running with THAT hare!
Describing the PPP as “a party that ruined Guyana”, he asserts they’ve been able to deploy “narratives” that have placed the Government on the back foot and threatened their chances of winning in 2020. All he’s pleading for is a chance to be “empowered,” to create some “counter narratives” to neutralise the PPP! So the PNC government hasn’t actually committed substantive actions that hurt Guyana – it’s just PPP’s PR (narratives) that’ve made it SEEM so!!
It would then appear the economy isn’t REALLY in a free-fall and the production of gold by some foreign firms isn’t being manipulated to suggest otherwise!! That 10,000 sugar workers won’t lose their jobs. Or the 2 million pharma contract to ANSA isn’t really illegal – even though the Procurement Commission, headed by Mrs Corbin, says it is! Or the Exxon contract isn’t being released for the “good of Guyana”. Or insisting the Chief Justice’s interpretation of the Constitution on the GECOM Chair is her “perception” – not superior to Pressie’s!
Will Hinds ever realise, notwithstanding his sycophancy, the party of “sharper steel” will never hand him a sword!?
…to claim ruination
But it’s such a shame that Hinds, who claims he’s a “Rodneyite”, has strayed so far from the latter’s praxis. Let’s take his claim “the PPP ruined Guyana”. By what measure? The PPP removed the US.1billion debt the PNC left on the Guyanese people like a collective “goadie” in 1992. Ruination? They moved Guyana from a Highly Indebted Poor Country to an Upper Middle Income Country. Ruination?
The HIES surveys from 1992, 1999 and 2006 confirmed granularly that poverty was increasingly reduced and that urban residents (majority African-Guyanese) had higher incomes than rural and hinterland residents – Indians and Amerindians! Ruination? Inequality in 1992, as measured by the GINI coefficient (“1” is perfect inequality; “0” is perfect equality) was .44 whereas by 2006 the UNDP confirmed it was down to.35! AND IMAGINE THE REST OF LAC WAS .48!! Ruination?
Schools, hospitals, community centres, etc were rebuilt, and the budget for social spending skyrocketed from the PNC days when rats were gnawing at children’s toes at GPHC. Ruination?
…in Cricket
Pollard of the Tridents betrayed the unsportsmanlike conduct of the English hare-hunters when he deliberately bowled a no-ball that was also wide to Patriots’ Evans, to deny the latter a shot at a well-deserved century.
What a wanker!!