Improved performance consultations hosted in Region 9

In an effort to improve the educational performance of students emanating from Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo) and address the delivery of education within the hinterland region, Government, through the Education Ministry, embarked on a week-long consultation hosted in Lethem.

Led by Chief Education Officer Marcel Hutson, the initiative commenced on

Consultation session conducted in Lethem

Monday and was conducted by a team of MoE officials which included head of the Inspectorate Unit, Herbert Grandison, and School Inspectors Jennifer Bourne and Nashrulah Khan, among others.

They were joined by Regional Education Officer (Ag) Kateri Joseph, the District Educational Officers in Region Nine, and Regional Chairman Brian Allicock.

Hutson underlined to the gathering the ministry’s intensions of hosting the face-to-face consultation.

“Our objective was to give feedback to the Region regarding its general performance in education delivery, and also to help them develop a plan of action for improved performance,” he relayed.

The CEO explained that the primary focus of the consultation was in regard to administration, curriculum, supervision, physical facilities, attendance and punctuality of teachers and students.

He said that while similar consultations are to be conducted nationwide, the Education Ministry commenced this undertaken in Region 9 because, despite improvements made within the past year, there is potential for much more to be accomplished there.

As such, he posited, “This region did not do so well as others at the NGSA, and as

CEO Marcel Huston, along with Ministry officials, is joined by students of Lethem

an immediate step, we have intervened to raise their moral and actual output.”

Moreover, it was indicated that while the first phase of meetings concluded on Friday, these interfaces are expected to continue over time.

“Those that we consulted with are now tasked with addressing the many issues identified, (which) will ultimately lead to the improved delivery of education performance in the region,” Hutson conveyed.

Besides the consultations conducted in Region Nine, other efforts aimed at enhancing the delivery of education throughout Guyana are set to be hosted in other hinterland and interior regions, which include Regions 1, 7 and 8.