IRI hosts former US Congressional Reps for legislative forum with Guyanese MPs

Former United States (US) Congressional Representatives David Price and Erik Paulsen

The International Republican Institute (IRI) will host former United States (US) Congressional Representatives David Price and Erik Paulsen and former Deputy Chief of Staff and District Director Karen Glaser for a legislative forum with current and potential Guyanese Members of Parliament (MPs).
Two half-day sessions will take place at the Guyana Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown on May 2 and 3, 2023.
Through its respective points of contact, IRI has invited the Government of Guyana and the Parliamentary Opposition (including A Partnership for National Unity; Alliance For Change; and the parliamentary joinder made up of the Liberty and Justice Party, The New Movement, and A New and United Guyana) to engage in the legislative forum.
Sessions will focus on “From Candidate to Legislator, Making the Transition”, and “Creating Impact, Strategies for Effective Service in Parliament.”
Experts from IRI’s Center for Global Impact will also facilitate expert sessions alongside the visiting delegation of former US Congressional Representatives and former senior staff.
IRI’s legislative forum is among several activities being delivered with support from National Endowment for Democracy to strengthen engagement among Guyanese leaders and citizens, especially marginalised groups like youths, women, Indigenous Peoples, and persons with disabilities.