Is anybody listening/taking corrective action?

Dear Editor,
My good friend and colleague Mr E B John has been painstakingly pointing out the litany of deficiencies within the several branches of the Civil and Public Services of our country. His latest includes a frightening list of maladies in the Public Health Services (ref. his letter in sections of the media). Akin to this has been reports of malpractices leading to severe inconveniences, punishment, discomforts and possibly deaths in public health institutions, as well as other forms of poor public services.
The silence from the responsible ‘authorities’ — governmental, public personnel, and political aspirants — has been deafening, and the obvious lack of corrective action begs a multitude of questions as to who really cares about the populace, whose votes are constantly being courted and whose patience must be at breaking point. Can we please see some corrective action, or at least hear some consolation?

Nowrang Persaud