Dear Editor,
When Crum Ewing was murdered it was reported that he was engaged in his usual pastime of campaigning for the then opposition coalition. The killer/s, approximately four in number, suddenly drove up in a car chased him down and pumped five bullets into him seeing his immediate demise.
Those men were there on a mission, to see him dead, and they did just that. They ensured that he was dead because of whatever deep-seated reason or reasons they might have had with him. The course of events also suggests that he knew his attackers, because of the chase.
I would hasten to add that his wife and other relatives are well aware of this too, and I am of the view that they know his enemies or persons who wanted to kill him and they need to be forthcoming with us. What they know can be valuable information in the hands of the police. But again they might be fearful of the implications of the criminals coming after them in the same brutal manner.
In any event the police should be notified, do not withhold what you know from the police.
But they are not helping Courtney’s cause only clinging on to the PNC/AFC’s theory of him being killed by the PPP/C Party due to his political views. This theory does not hold much water because this is not a strategy used by the PPP/C Party. This party has a track record of clean and above-board electioneering and I do not see them changing that trend now.
Secondly, Crum Ewing posed no threat to the PPP/C Party. I challenge anyone to show me how advantageous his killing would be to the PPP/C Party. In fact the party stands to suffer because there is always that lingering suspicion (and the opposition is making good headway on that) in the minds of the populace that maybe, just maybe, he was killed because of political reasons.
But wouldn’t this be counterproductive to the PPP/C in that there will be reprisal acts by the PNC/APNU who are easily baited into action by these allegations? The PPP/C knows the violent tendencies of the PNC especially around election time and going that route to kill one of their protesters is just asking for trouble. So assassination is not a PPP/C’s option knowing full well the PNC’s stance on this.
Even the allegation of him being threatened by two PPP/C Government officials is a blatant falsehood because there is no record of such at the police station. The question is who wanted him dead and why? That is the burning question that deserves an immediate answer.
Courtney Crum-Ewing’s death is an execution, an established fact, and my question is, who wanted him dead and why? And who could have had maximum advantage as a result of his death? This question I put to the ruling PNC-led Coalition, please have a detailed investigation into this guy’s death so that we can get closure to this sordid chapter in our history.
After all you were the ones who were very vocal about his death, casting an accusing finger at the PPP/C.
Now that you are in power and have the entire wherewithal to carry out an impartial investigation, then so be it and get on with the business of solving this crime.
In addition to this there is the much touted “efficiency” and “professionalism” of the police force and their expert ability to crack cases, I then urge the powers that be to use your new found strength to solve Crum-Ewing’s case.
Crum-Ewing’s death is a matter of national concern and you owe it to the people to get this matter solved, do not wait for the incoming PPP/C Party to do so because, according to you, folks in that party were the ones responsible for his death and as such would not be eager to get it solved. So, in the interest of justice please hurry get to the bottom of this one.
In the same breath I pose the following scenario; the hype that surrounded Crum Ewing’s death seems to have petered out into a tame draw like so many other cases of corruption and nepotism. The headliners the smoking hot cauldron stories that bombarded our senses on a daily basis, has suddenly diminished.
Very strange indeed is the record of allegations raised by the PNC when in opposition to the low off-keyed tune they are singing now.
I must hasten to a close but will say this: I am of the fervent view that this PNC-led Coalition does not want to know the truth behind the assassination of Crum-Ewing, because they are fearful of the consequences if an inquiry is so commissioned.
Somebody is not being honest and forthcoming here. I rest my case.
Yours sincerely,
Neil Adams