In about three weeks, the most popular dance group in Guyana – The Ishara Dance Troupe – will host its dance production entitled Ishara 5 “Raja Rani – The Eternal Love” at the Theatre Guild on December 2.
This year’s production entails a story line that promises to entertain, celebrate
friendship, love, respect, life and one that will take you back in time.
The story is being narrated by “Maya” who is played by Malisha Bharat-Latchman. Maya tells the story to her daughter who was curious to know about their family history.
This year’s production will be very different from the other musical drama produced by the troupe, chief chorographer of the Dance Troupe, Shivanie Latchman told Guyana Times Entertainment.
She further stated that the production is to let the students live their dreams on stage. Being shy, classic and expressive is a big part of this year’s theme, she added.
“It gives me great pleasure to do what I do and I am glad that this platform has been maintained and this mainly because of the support from my team, their families and the patrons that support us yearly. I am a big believer in giving back to society”.
She added that the proceeds from the event will go towards a humanitarian cause. General admission tickets cost $1000 while reserve seating is $2000. Tickets for children cost $500.
Tickets are available at MTV Head office Oronoque Street, Georgetown; Sankars Auto Works, Lot 1 Campbellville; and any of the cast members. Also those interested can contact the troupe leader on telephone number 622-0601.