Home Entertainment Ishara Centre Stage – A journey of exciting masterpiece for Theatre Guild...
The Ishara Dance Troupe is once again hosting its dance production entitled Ishara 4 “Centre Stage – A journey of exciting masterpiece” at the Theatre Guild on November 5. This year’s production promises to feature stylish costumes, playful and energetic dance routines, modern and classic music and most of all, drama and comedy that will leave the audience wanting more.
In addition, reigning Miss Global International Guyana Poonam Singh will make an appearance and will obviously mesmerise the audience with her melodious voice. Also, Seema Boodram and the Nirvana Society will also be featured during the two-hour long show.
With all that is planned, the audience will be entertained from the beginning to the end. This is promised by leader and chief chorographer of the Dance Troupe Shivanie Latchman.
When asked about what patrons can expect, she noted that “I am all about living my dreams on stage and with the audience’s encouragement and kind words I’ve been able to accomplish just that. It gives me great pleasure to do what I do. I am a big believer in giving back to society”.
She added that the proceeds from the event will go towards a humanitarian cost. This year, the group has chosen to donate towards the Nirvana Society Senior Citizen Programme and the less fortunate children who need basic necessity.
Tickets for general admission cost $1000 while tickets for reserved seating will cost $2000 and tickets for children will cost $500. Tickets are available at MTV Head office Oronoque Street or any of the cast members. Also those interested can contact the leader on telephone number 622-0601.
The Ishara Dance Troupe was established in 2008 and has been creating a storm locally and internationally with its magnificent dance routines. Performing in Trinidad, Suriname and across the length and breadth of Guyana has definitely been some of its achievements.
Not to mention, the members were part of several productions and have performed with several Bollywood stars.
Over the years, the dance troupe has participated in events to celebrate national holidays, raising funds for charitable organisations and its recent dance production to celebrate the year’s long hard work and dedication of its troupe members.