“It feels really good to win” – Graham’s Hall Primary student

…as school triumphs at 2024 standards academia quiz competition

Graham’s Hall Primary School champions and teacher posing with their trophy alongside GNBS Executive Director (ag), Al Fraser (Photo by GNBS)

Graham’s Hall Primary School emerged victorious at the finals of the standards in academia quiz competition 2024, held on Tuesday at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal.
The competition was successfully held through the collaborative efforts of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) and the Education Ministry, with participation from schools across the regions.
The winners, Graham’s Hall Primary School, were awarded the winner’s trophy and a cash voucher of $50,000, presented by GNBS Executive Director (ag), Al Fraser.

Champions, runner-ups and teachers who participated in the 2024 competition

One of the champions from Graham’s Hall Primary School, Malachi Nelson, expressed his excitement after receiving his prize.
“It feels really good to win. It was fun participating in this competition. I really enjoyed my time here, and it feels energising to win after all the hard work we put in,” Nelson said.
Meanwhile Executive Director (ag), Al Fraser in remarks to students, who participated in the event, stated that he hopes that they consider joining the metrology sector when they have completed their academic pursuits.
“Let me say, all of you are the winners, I want to congratulate all of you, to the pupils I hope this competition encourages you to continue to work diligently and I hope that you are inspired to work in metrology when you are finished with your academic journey,” he told the students.
The first runner-up, St. Therese’s Primary School, received a trophy and a cash voucher of $25,000, handed over by GNBS Head of Corporate Communications, Lloyd David.
Additionally, Latonya Halley of St. Therese’s Primary School was recognised as the Best Performer and awarded a Lenovo tablet, presented by GNBS Head of Marketing, Syeid Ibrahim.
Over the past two months, eighteen schools from Regions Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara); Four (Demerara-Mahaica); Five (Mahaica-Berbice); Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) and Georgetown participated in the competition. The regional winners who advanced to the finals included La Grange Primary School from Region Three, Diamond Primary School from Region Four, Novar Primary School from Region Five, and St. Therese’s Primary School from Region Six.
To prepare for the competition, students were given a copy of the standards in the academia booklet, which they had a chance to study and give themselves the awareness of the concepts and the knowledge of the GNBS and GNBS activities.
These resources serve as valuable study material ahead of the competition, ensuring that the young learners are well equipped and well informed.
This annual competition aims to promote standard and metrology at the primary level of the education system academic excellence and collaboration among primary schools across Guyana, contributing to the overall development of the country’s educational standards.
This competition is the third leg of a vision of the GNBS, which started in 2017. The first competition began in 2018, followed by the second leg in 2022, and now the third leg in 2024. This initiative demonstrates the dedication to educating future business owners, public servants, and professionals about the importance of standards and measurement in their daily lives. (G2)