Home Letters It’s time APNU/AFC deliver on promise of accountability
Dear Editor,
There are increasing reports about misconduct in office by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition Government Ministers; reports that are accompanied by a worrying silence from those coalition officials who are implicated.
A few weeks ago, the report related to Minister David Patterson and the transfer of US$9000 to his personal bank account. Until now, Minister David Patterson has not answered adequately to clear the air – to assure Guyanese that his conduct in office is above reproach. Guyanese see the same silence from Minister Simona Broomes, who remains silent about monies allegedly paid to her two children – almost $10 million. Why were the monies paid over? Will this be investigated?
The people of this country are awaiting answers to these questions. The APNU/AFC coalition Government promised transparency and accountability. It is time that it delivers on what it promised the Guyanese people in that regard.
Todd Morgan