Dear Editor,
Not a day goes by without some despicable, hateful, and reprehensible event or act being committed.
Of recent, there have been many, none worse than the report of an elderly woman allegedly being raped and sodomised at a state institution, (GDN October 27). Worse are the allegations that the perpetrator of this heinous act was aided and abetted by staff to leave the facility. Of course, the authorities responsible for the institution have launched an investigation.
Several things come to mind in this episode, including the kind of supervision and security in place. Are the staff properly and adequately trained and equipped to deal with the inmates?
But, more importantly, how could a suspect be escorted from a crime scene? Is this how the staff were trained to deal with a criminal situation? The victim of this horrible atrocity cries out for justice; it should be swiftly delivered.
Shamshun Mohamed