Home Letters Justice Singh must assume her new role of “Iron Woman”
Dear Editor,
The people of Guyana have a right to democracy and the David Granger caretaker Government has an obligation to promote and defend it. David Granger and the APNU/AFC are taking advantage of the Guyanese people’s patience and understanding.
It’s past time David Granger and his current cabals take shame from their eyes and comply with the democratic responsibilities of the Chairwoman and allow the newly elected Government to take its rightful place.
No population should have to wait so long for an election result, despite many saying Guyana is on the edge of a bonanza and will become the richest oil country on earth as measured by income per capita, others are looking at Guyana as a country without principles and morals.
Either way, the impasse over the elections results may undermine investor confidence in Guyana. Guyanese, we cannot allow ourselves to become “the laughing stock” of the South Americas.
Guyanese, this is fresh in our minds as if it was yesterday. Despite widespread objections, including from international electoral observers – but not from the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition of the defeated President Granger – the Returning Officer proceeded to make a declaration based on his numbers that were at odds with the figures on official documents.
But respect must be due! The international diplomatic pressure, and voter anger, forced a 33-day full National Recount exercise, which ended in a victory for the opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). The recounted figures published on June 7 showed the opposition PPP/C winning the elections with 233,336 votes while the APNU/AFC received 217,920 votes
But Guyanese and the world should have figured out that we were against the innocent sinner and the mastermind of the PNCR rigging machine when its Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, then submitted a report denouncing impersonations and invalidating 115,844 votes – nearly a quarter of all votes cast – so giving the APNU/AFC a win of 5482 votes. The opposition PPP/C, initially credited with 233,336 votes, had its vote slashed by Lowenfield to 166,343, a reduction of 66,993.
Nothing we witnessed can challenge the thievery displayed by Lowenfield.
Justice Singh on Thursday wrote the Lowenfield, asking that he present a report by 14:00h on Friday, which would then lead to the declaration of a President.
The report was delayed, seeking further guidance and clarifications from the Chairman, in light of the recent ruling of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). Let me reiterate that there can be no justification for this action. As intimated by the OAS for the credible conclusion of the 2020 electoral process in Guyana, in its statement of July 10.
This confirms that the Chief Elections Officer was acting in the interest of the APNU-PNCR rigger, trying to steal PPP/C victory and contrary to the interest of democracy in Guyana.
Justice Singh must assume her new role as Iron Woman and make the APNU/AFC/PNCR riggers dance to her song after she declares the PPP/C as the winner.
Guyanese, let us be very clear that Granger and his cabals must know that – the only democratic solution for Guyana at this time is respect for the results of the National Recount.
No other figures – neither those prepared prior to the recount, nor those recently invalidated by the Caribbean Court of Justice, nor any others that may be unilaterally devised by the Chief Elections Officer – can have any place in the final determination of results.
A new electoral process is also an unacceptable solution. The results must be declared showing a PPP/C victory, leading directly to Dr Irfaan Ali, PPP/C Presidential Candidate, being sworn in as Guyana’s 9th Executive President.
David Adams