Despite the Kara Kara toll booth contributing tremendously to the overall economic status of the municipality of Linden, several “loopholes” have been uncovered.
This is according to outgoing Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland, who noted that he has instructed the administration to investigate these loopholes at the toll booth, which was reactivated a little over a year ago to secure much-needed revenue. Holland, however, did not disclose what the loopholes were, but noted that there have been reports of infractions.
“The toll booth has been coming along well except, I think, there are still loopholes. I am fully aware that there are still loopholes with the toll booth. Things that I would
Kara Kara toll booth
have asked the administration to tighten up on, so that Linden can have the full benefits of that toll being in place. We’re getting reports of infractions. We’re getting reports of wrongdoing…,” he told Guyana Times. While the outgoing Mayor did not divulge much of the alleged infractions, there are reports that there are several drivers of logging trucks and other motor vehicles which are required to pay tolls who refuse to take the route where the toll booth is located, and have instead opted to use road diversions to avoid paying the toll. There have also been reports of malpractices regarding the finances and operations at the toll booth.
However, according to Holland, these reports are so far unverified. He has since noted the need for stricter monitoring. “…what I’ve done is ask the administration to look into these things and I believe, indeed, we need to do more to keep monitoring the toll booth as is the case with any financial transactions and dealing. So, we would keep working on improving any loopholes that exist at the toll booth and any area of the Council.”
In an effort to secure revenues for the municipality, which has a history of being cash-strapped, the recent Linden Mayor and Town Council (LM&TC) had made stringent moves to reactivate the Kara Kara toll booth in 2016. Since then, Holland said things have improved since revenues from the toll booth have contributed to the Council’s annual budget. He said, however, there was need for the stricter monitoring so that the community can reap the full benefits.