A logger, of Jonestown Hill Foot, Upper Berbice River, was on Thursday remanded to prison by Magistrate Wanda Fortune for the offence of cultivating a prohibited plant at Hururu Backdam, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice).
Don Taylor, also known as “Dalit”, appeared at the Linden Magistrate’s Court, where he denied the offence. The prosecution is contending that Taylor was detained by Police following the discovery of multiple fields of marijuana at Hururu Backdam, which were unearthed during a four-hour eradication operation in the Berbice River area.
Remanded: Don Taylor, also known as “Dalit”
According to the prosecution’s case, during the operation, ranks destroyed several fields of cannabis, with plants measuring from a foot to four feet in height. Police also discovered two camps with kitchen utensils, clothing and groceries which were destroyed by fire, together with the prohibited plants. After the defendant was detained, legal advice was sought from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), who recommended that the charge be laid against Taylor.
He was remanded to prison, and the case was expected to continue on March 1, 2019.