Lowenfield is a disgrace to GECOM and Guyana

Dear Editor,
Everybody is asking: How can the Chief Elections Officer, sworn to conducting free, fair, and impartial elections, seem to be the one leading the coup, supporting the PNC’s playbook, acting as an election court all by himself, and apparently doing everything he can to undermine the elections and democracy in Guyana?
Mr. Lowenfield seems to be having adventures with numbers, throwing out the valid numbers of the recount and substituting his mysterious “Anancy story” numbers. How can this man simply be a law unto himself, and the Chair and Commission are not reining him in? Mr. Lowenfield should have been fired after his first declaration included the fraudulent Mingo numbers. He has been allowed to stay on, and right in front of your face, concocts fake numbers in an arbitrary, capricious, and whimsical manner.
At least Burnham used to hijack the boxes and switch the votes, then declare himself the winner; but the Mingo/Lowenfield duo, aided and abetted by other PNC plants in the GECOM staff, does it right in front of your face.
If you think Apostle Mingo was a “bad man” in rigging for the PNC, Mr. Lowenfield seems to be a “bigger bad man”, afflicted with the Burnham riggeritis virus. Mr. Mingo rigged by tens of thousands, Mr. Lowenfield is trying to rig by hundreds of thousands. Again, we can say, as Mr. Golding said, we have never seen such a transparent attempt by Mr. Lowenfield to rig this election in favour of the PNC. This man has shown no inclination to be an honest broker in conducting the elections. From his 156–day proposal for a recount to not explaining where are the materials for the election boxes, and failure to produce his report to GECOM as required, Mr. Lowenfield seems to be unaccountable for his actions. And he is allowed to get away with it!
Can you imagine the nation waited with bated breath for the recount to be completed, and 114 days later we do not have a declaration of the winner? CARICOM sent three people who made sacrifices, who left their families back home and came to help us resolve our election problems, staying a whole month for the recount. We spent tens of millions of dollars and consumed the time of many recount agents and staff, the Guardians of Democracy guarding the boxes, some foreign observers and several local observers. The recount process consumed the time and efforts of so many people, and yet one man can throw all that work into the trash. What contempt for everyone! What contempt for CARICOM!
And to top it off, our leader – the “sanctimonious one” – seems to be in hiding. Mr. Granger told the nation that CARICOM was the most “legitimate interlocutor” and he would accept the decision of the CARICOM report. Instead of coming out and conceding that he lost, Mr. Granger has once again reneged on his promise. This is the man who likes to say he is following the Constitution even while he is violating it. If Mr. Granger had conceded, all the electoral problems would have been over. But there is speculation that Mr. Granger might be the intellectual author of much of what is going on.
With the Ministry of the Presidency cultivating an image of Granger as a godly church man, releasing photos of Granger kneeling in church, taking communion and seen with Assembly of God and Full Gospel Fellowship top leaders at special events, Mr. Granger has done much harm to the Gospel of Christ and Christianity with his disappointing behaviour.
People are asking how a Christian man can do something like this. A man who enjoyed such enormous goodwill from crossover voters who ensured his election.
Mr. Granger has shattered everyone’s expectations, and has taken us back to Burnhamism and rigged elections in quick time. He had a chance to heal and unite the country and make a name for himself, but Burnhamism took hold of him, and now he is relegated to the disgraced leaders’ “Wall of Shame.”
People are at their wit’s end trying to figure out why a government would do this to its people, prolonging the trauma and torture of political instability that began since the December 2018 No Confidence Vote, while a pandemic rages, the country is bankrupt, people are suffering, and a border dispute case is upcoming.
Many have asked why is it that, every time the PNC is in power, we have to be fighting for the preservation of democracy? Many think it will be impossible to have fair elections in Guyana again, if the collusion of GECOM employees, the Courts and Police are allowed to thwart the will of the people. In just one term, Mr. Granger’s PNC has brought us full circle to the ways of Burnhamism. And Granger is missing in action!

Jerry Singh