Forty-two-year-old Maxidus Marks of Grove, EBD has been remanded to prison after appearing before Georgetown Magistrate Leron Daly charged with stealing from a plant shop.
Claiming he is “sickly and would be unable to commit the offence,” Marks pleaded not guilty to breaking and entering the shop of Rudolph Chin and stealing therefrom some 0,000 worth of items on September 29, 2017. According to the accused, Police discovered him with the items because he had found them.
He pleaded not to be sent to jail, and added, “I cannot survive there, Your Worship; me too sickly”.
However, the accused does not have a fixed place of abode, and, as such, Magistrate Daly remanded him to prison. He is slated to return to court on November 21, 2017.