Home News Massy Group raises awareness to commemorate World Suicide Day
Though suicide is complicated and tragic, it is often preventable. It is with this in mind, and as part of its 50th anniversary of operating in Guyana, that the Massy Industries (Guyana) Limited adopted Suicide Prevention as a national platform, for which it would add support to help raise awareness and contribute towards the reduction in suicide rates by 10% by 2020 as per the Government’s National Suicide Prevention Plan.
A quick browse on most of the Group’s Facebook pages for the eight (8) operating companies in Guyana would reveal suicide prevention messages that foster good mental health, as well as provide information on where to seek help, including contact details for the Guyana Inter-Agency Suicide Prevention Hotline.
Christpen Bobb-Semple, Director of Corporate Management Systems and coordinator for the Group’s Suicide Prevention programme, indicated that Facebook was chosen as the social media platform as a lot of young people are online, and that it is a great way to connect with people.
He indicated that all the companies share the same Facebook post with the hashtag Prevent Suicide (#PreventSuicide) and that this will be done every week for the next 3 months.
With Suicide being the second leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds globally, and with Guyana in 2017 having had a suicide rate of 29.9 deaths per 100,000 persons, Massy’s programmes have centred mainly around teenagers.
In fact, the Group has partnered with Government ministries to coordinate programmes that seek to get teenagers actively involved. For instance, on September 26 and October 17, collaboration among Massy, the Mental Health Unit of the Ministry of Public Health, and the Ministry of Education will see the hosting of a School Debating Competition at the Massy Staff Facilities Complex at R5 Ruimveldt, Georgetown with The Bishops’ High, Queen’s College, Saint Stanislaus College and St. Joseph High. Massy is hoping to have the debates aired live on its social media page.
Also, having recognised that children learn in various forms, Massy has partnered with The One Act Foundation and the Ministry of Education to have a theatrical performance written and performed on Suicide Prevention. The Group is planning to reach more than 800 students directly from 19 schools across Guyana, where they will be invited to witness the play free of 10charge. The play is scheduled to be staged at the National Cultural Centre on October 10th, which coincides with World Mental Health Day.
Even though the event is strictly invitational, Mr Christpen Bobb-Semple indicated that the Group would reach an even wider cross section of persons, as plans are in place to have the play recorded and then aired on the television stations in all three counties for at least two weekends.
Recently, Massy Guyana provided support as well as participated in the annual walk coordinated by Prevention of Teenage Suicide (P.O.T.S) Guyana, an NGO founded by Ms. Lisa Punch, former Miss Guyana World 2015. This has been the 3rd consecutive year POTS Guyana has coordinated the walk to help raise awareness on suicide prevention among teenagers.
Massy is a diversified regional conglomerate with operations throughout the Caribbean basin, Colombia and the United States of America. With over 60 operating companies across 10 countries, the Group employs over 11,000 people.
Massy began its operations in Guyana on September 16, 1968, and currently employs 1500 Guyanese.
Deo Persaud, Country Manager, believes the work being done by the Group for Suicide Prevention, along with the other social impact projects at various schools and orphanages, is part of the Group’s corporate social responsibility, and he sees it as invaluable and very much aligned to the Group’s purpose of: Being a Force for Good – Creating Value, Transforming Life.