…with migrants
The shameful treatment by the Trump Administration of “illegal” immigrants continue to plumb what’s evidently the infinite depths of man’s inhumanity to man. What makes it even more shameful is the patent hypocrisy that undergirds the issue – not only in the US but also in Europe. On World Migration Day, 34,361 migrants from the impoverished South – read Africa – were said to’ve died since the early 1990s, trying to enter Europe.
Some folks will protest your Eyewitness’ use of scare quotes on the word “illegal” and insist the people facing Trump’s ire ARE in fact, illegal…and deserve what they’re getting. But – even ignoring the non sequitur – they should take a step backwards and ask how come folks are only trying to get into the US and Europe from their shithole countries to enjoy their ‘good life”??
And that’s the rub, ain’t it? How come the US and Europe are living high off the hog and African and Latin America are mired in shit? Are the two conditions related? Well, they damn well are, and you should know this even if you have the skimpiest exposure to history. Where did all the wealth of the US and Europe come from? As Julie Andrews advised in the “Sound of Music”, we should start at the very beginning!
And that was when, after Columbus’ ‘discovery” of the Americas is 1492, the ancestors of those folks trying every which was to get into America through the Mexican border were virtually wiped out by “Guns, germs and steel” of the Europeans who then occupied the land and raped it something fierce. Did you hear about the Cherokees who were herded from their lands in the Carolinas and forcibly marched into the Midwest? And the Americans have the gall to romanticise Pocahontas as loving the usurper of her lands!!
Africa? You can read all about it in Rodney’s How Europe underdeveloped Africa! But the plot is simple: define the inhabitants as “sub human”, ship millions and millions of their able-bodied men and women as slaves in the Americas – and then ensure that no industry is developed there in the following centuries!! For good measure, in the 20th century, set up vicious dictators in Latin America and Africa who’d toe the imperial line – but make the statements about being “uncivilised” into a self-fulfilling prophesy!
And that’s why there are scare quotes over “illegal” immigrants! If there was any justice in this world, the US and Europe should be overrun by the folks whose blood turned them into paradise.
By that’s coming. By 2100, the populations of the US and Europe would’ve shrunken and Africa will have 40 per cent of the world population!!
…on the right to rebel
One columnist from SN got her knickers into a knot about the Opposition Leader’s response to the PNC preparations for 2020 elections rigging – that his party won’t take it lying down. She asked, “…aren’t we supposed to be worried when anyone threatens our peace? Have we forgotten what peace looked and felt like under Jagdeo’s Administration?” Well this Eyewitness certainly did…so why not start at the very beginning??
And that’s right after the December 1997 elections when Desmond Hoyte launched massive protests marches in Georgetown about “elections rigging”! His supporters burnt “Janet” dolls as they “wuk pon she”. When that didn’t kill her, they beat anyone who looked like “PPP supporters” – read Guyanese Indians – in Georgetown while the Police looked on.
After arson, killings, and calling on his “kith and kin” in the armed forces, Hoyte forced Janet Jagan to truncate her term of office by two years and hold a forensic audit of the elections. Which showed no rigging!!
When Jagdeo assumed office in 1999, Hoyte launched “slow fyaah; mo fyaah”!! Destroying any hope for peace!!
…on rice credit
The PNC Government took credit for finding new markets for rice in places like Panama – after they nixed the Venezuelan market.
So why not take credit for millers not being paid? Such modesty!!