Home Letters Minister Mustapha transformed agriculture since 2020
Dear Editor,
Please allow me to share my views on some of the negative and personal attacks for the past week being directed to the Minister of Agriculture Hon. Zulifikar Mustapha M.P.
At the outset, let me make it very clear that under the previous PNC (APNU+AFC) government, agriculture was dead. There wasn’t any development within any sector of this industry, and those who depended solely on it were nearly put to starvation. PERIOD.
I have done many letters before 2015 on agriculture, calling for betterment for all, especially those in the sugar, rice, and cash crop sectors, while asking for something to be done in helping all farmers. Many know that before 2015, I used to attack and cuss out the PPP so that they could do better for the agriculture sector.
But from 2015 to 2020, I realized that the [then] present-day government and minister don’t care for the industry and by extension for anyone but for themselves, and I used to say it to their faces. But as many may know, they were all God’s unto themselves, while I was warned that I will be in trouble for speaking up and out. It was like throwing water on ducks back when advising them.
The previous government was a dead meat government that cared for no one, and that is why today they are falling apart in terms of leadership and in general membership.
Mr. Editor, before someone attacks the agriculture industry or, in fact, any industry, they must have knowledge of the same and be able to advise as to making that industry better and economical where all can benefit.
Many wannabe politicians want to use the agricultural sector for their own political gains, and when those within the industry fall into the traps, they are left to wonder what’s next after they are being pushed under the carpet. We saw this with the AFC that joined the PNC in 2015 and made lots of promises to all within the industry, and after gaining political office and power, kicked everyone of them.
When the PPP took office in late 2020 and Mr. Zulfikar Mustapha took the oath of office as the Minister of Agriculture, immediately he started community meetings, and Region 5 was the first region he set foot on as a minister.
I can recall that he went to several villages to meet the farmers on the ground and hear what they had to say, and I can say this, all the farmers at all the meetings said nothing good about the former Minister Holder and the then government.
I stood there and the complaints were all true and factual because under the previous government nothing was done to better the industry.
From that day, Minister Mustapha started to take action, and made several promises to the farmers for their betterment, and all those promises were fulfilled.
From that day, we all saw the agriculture industry start to bloom, and farmers started to invest more, be it in rice, cash crops, poultry, cattle, etc. Farmers see the light and are confident in the Minister, and by extension the PPP government.
The entire agriculture industry started to transform, and we all saw the rise in the various sectors, as the ministry technical staff was directed by the Minister to ensure that they reach out to the farmers at all times and do all that they can in ensuring that the sectors positively moving forward, and people getting the assistance they need.
Under the PNC (APNU+AFC) government, help was given to the top brass family and friends, and not to the actual farmers in the industry.
Minister Mustapha ensures that the staff of his ministry and the various sub agencies are at all times available to meet with the public. This never happens under Holder.
Since 2020, we all see that Guyana is rising in agriculture development and we are once again the breadbasket of the Caribbean. Under the leadership of Minister Mustapha, Guyana is now becoming food secure. Under Holder and PNC, we were all about to starve because the industry was quickly going down the drain.
Before 2020, people hardly wanted to invest in the agricultural industry, but today investments are pouring into all sectors because of the leadership shown and given in this important industry.
Since 2020, Minister Zulfikar Mustapha M.P. has tremendously transformed the agriculture sector for the betterment of all Guyanese and, by extension, the Caribbean.
Minister Mustapha is very hardworking and dedicated towards serving the people, no matter what. He has been working around the clock to ensure that we are food secure and that the various agricultural sectors strive towards the highest peak no matter the difficulties.
Since the minister took office, he has been meeting with farmers and continues to do so through the villages and regions of Guyana. He listens to the concerns raised, gives advice on them, and also provides assistance if needed.
So for the want-to-be politicians that blame the Minister for the prices for various crops, they must do their research and don’t just allow those dunce thugs to fill your ears with lies and deception, because under the previous government farmers were promised major improvement in prices but what they collected was shaft.
All within the agricultural sector, especially farmers and by extension, all Guyanese should be proud of this hardworking minister.
Keep up the good work Minister Mustapha, you have saved the agricultural industry. And as the saying goes “YOU CAN’T KEEP A GOOD MAN DOWN”.
Yours sincerely,
Abel Seetaram