Minister’s actions reinforce need for effective Code of Conduct – Hinds
…expresses disappointment at Govt’s silence
The fracas that occurred at the New Thriving restaurant’s parking lot and involved allegations of a guard pointing a gun at Junior Natural Resources Minister Simona Broomes – an allegation that has since been debunked by video footage — reinforces the need for the existence of a strong ministerial code of conduct.
David Hinds
This is according to Dr David Hinds, who also expressed disappointment that so far only one official, Public Health Minister Volda Lawrence, has publicly addressed the matter.
Hinds, who is also an executive member of the Working People’s Alliance – a party within the coalition Government — has expressed that while he is mindful that errors of judgement happen, the behaviour of the minister is a worrying one. He expressed the belief that had the minister been a private citizen, she would not have behaved in the manner depicted in the surveillance video.
“It is one of the worrying characteristics of the top echelon of this Government and (of) previous ones. They seem intoxicated by the power they have, and use it simply because they have it and could use it. Part of it, I think, has to do with their unfamiliarity with political power that is born of a lack of proper preparation for high office,” Hinds declared.
“I have read where some defenders cite the minister’s hard work and forthrightness as her assets. But effectiveness as a minister is not licence for bullyism. At the very least, the Government, the President and the party to which the minister is affiliated should publicly disassociate themselves from such behaviour,” Hinds cautioned.
He stressed the importance of leadership by example from those in leadership positions, and noted that throwing one’s weight around as a minister and then telling a story that is at odds with the available facts is, at the end of the day, “official bullying.”
“In the final analysis, this episode reinforces the need for a serious Code of Conduct for Ministers. It also signals that those entrusted with public power must manage it better. Our country is mired in lawlessness and incivility at all levels, and if we are to pull ourselves out of it, those who are in leadership positions must lead by example,” Hinds chided. While a Code of Conduct for Ministers was gazetted last year June, it was heavily criticised for being weak. Specifically, the Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc (TIGI) had stated, after reviewing the draft, that some of its most critical recommendations, including penalties for specific breaches, have been ignored.
The parking lot saga
Minister Simona Broomes had claimed that she and her driver, whose name has to date not officially been released to the media, had been victims of verbal assaults and threats by two security guards who were attempting to bar her from parking in a specific section of the establishment.
Minister Broomes had also alleged that one of the guards had pointed and “crocked” a firearm at her and the driver of her SUV vehicle at some point during the incident. She claimed she was fearful for her life and safety as a result of the actions of the guards; who, following the incident, were arrested and detained by Police ranks before being released on their own recognisance.
But since the release of CCTV footage last week, it has become clear that the version of the story told by Minister Broomes is different from what was depicted on camera. This has caused much criticism to be unleashed on social media against the APNU/AFC official. Video footage has displayed Broomes and her driver becoming enraged upon being told that they could not park in the specific area. Broomes was seen stepping out of the vehicle and throwing the “No parking” sign from the spot. And as her driver moved the vehicle forward, it almost struck one of guards who stood in front of it. The driver then exited the vehicle again, and another exchange followed.
Asked last week whether the Police have found any proof to substantiate the claims made by Minister Broomes that a gun had been aimed at her during the ordeal, Crime Chief Paul Williams has declined to make any definitive pronouncement. Police are, however, expected to wrap up their investigations soon.