Mother stabs son during argument

A 33-year-old man is now hospitalised after he was stabbed on Monday morning by his mother during an argument at Regent Street, Georgetown.

The injured man being taken to the hospital

Injured is Floyd Beckles of Lot 29 Queen Street Kitty, Georgetown.
Based on information received, Beckles was stabbed to the abdomen and is in a stable condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
While information remains sketchy about the stabbing incident, Guyana Times understands that the woman was taken into Police custody and is assisting with the investigations.
This stabbing comes on the heels of an 18-year-old killing his father, Collis Joseph, at Ithaca Village, West Bank Berbice (WBB).
The man succumbed to his injuries after his son threw a cutlass at him. The cutlass reportedly hit the man in the region of his heart. After the incident, Joseph reportedly fell onto the roadway but was picked up and taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
His son, who was in hiding, reportedly turned himself in on Monday.