Motive behind march for this weekend

Dear Editor,
The notice announcing the Georgetown Ministers Fellowship’s decision to host a ‘March for Jesus’ on Saturday, November 10, 2018, and the anticipated participation of certain officials from the coalition Government provokes some like myself to question the motive behind the entire affair.
Editor, the event is scheduled two days before the 2018 Local Government Elections and seems to be a ploy to drum up support for the Christian People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) leaders, especially since the PNCR/A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) campaign in the City is failing. You only have to look at the APNU public meeting that was held at Stabroek Square recently and the poor turnout there, if you are looking for evidence of this.
After three years of disrespecting the people of Georgetown and doing little to improve their lives, this seems like a return to a tactic used before the May 2015 General and Regional Elections.
In 2015, many of the same leaders from the Georgetown Ministers Fellowship lamented issues like lack of jobs, corruption and high crimes to their congregations. Since then, these very ‘leaders’ have been silent in the face of a far worsened situation that CANNOT be compared to that of 2015.
I say that things are worse because if you judge the current state of affairs by the standard of these ‘leaders’, some of the actions taken by the PNCR/APNU/Alliance For Change Government are some of the most un-Christian acts Guyanese have seen in years.
All of the newspaper reports in the last week or so feature the corrupt acts that were uncovered by the Auditor General in his 2017 report. On top of that, you had millions wasted to pay a PNC member for a bottom-house, while there was a functional drug bond with space at Diamond. You had all the spending at D’Urban Park, spending that auditors still can’t find documents for.
Also, look at the allowances to promote things like gambling in the City.  Where under the last Government there was one licensed place where gambling could take place, now there are hundreds in areas. All of these licences were given out by this coalition Government to increase gambling in the City and in places around the country – many of them being places where there is little oversight to prevent underage youths from being engaged in such activities.
Look at the assault on poor people. People have to pay more money for basic medicines, text books, transportation and more. In all this, why are the ‘leaders’ of the Georgetown Minister’s Fellowship silent when they were vocal in 2015?
I ask this question rhetorically, Editor. You only have to look at the national awardees’ list and look at the appointments to some of the State Agencies’ Board to realise that some of these ‘leaders’ have been bought. All of this has happened while the regular, average people in the congregations of these ‘leaders’ are the ones who face the brunt of the hardships imposed on them by David Granger PNCR/APNU/AFC Government.
Some of these ‘leaders’ have taken unprincipled positions and joined the tiny cabal of persons running this country and enjoying the benefits that flow to them;  all the while their congregants are facing increasing challenges and are left to fend for themselves in the face of the hardships being imposed on them by this Government.
In all of this, what is clear is that they must stop playing politics. All leaders have an obligation to be fair, at least.
Editor, as a Christian, I have no intention of supporting this march, because it would be marching with unprincipled leaders, not a march of Jesus Christ.  If the announced march is truly one for Jesus Christ, then why not do it after the elections?

Dave Martindale