Home News Motorcyclist injured in 3-vehicle collision at Providence
A motorcyclist was injured in a three-vehicle collision on Saturday along the Providence Public Road, East Bank Demerara (EBD). The injured man has been identified as 40-year-old Gary Archer of Block E Sophia, Greater Georgetown.
The accident reportedly involved a motor car bearing registration number PWW 8329 which was driven by a 23-year-old man of Grove Squatting Area, EBD, another motor car with plates PYY 5174 driven by a 63-year-old man of Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara, and a motorcycle, CG 8540.
Police stated that on the day in question at about 15:30h, motor car PWW 8329 and the motorcycle were proceeding along the Providence Public Road, EBD, and while in the vicinity of Princess Road (Red Road), Archer made a sudden turn and ended up in the path of the car.
Upon seeing this, the driver of the car applied brakes, but despite his effort, the left side front of the motor car collided with the motorcycle.
As a result of the collision, the front of the motorcycle also collided with motor car PYY 5174. Due to the impact, Archer fell onto the roadway and sustained injuries about his body.
He was picked up in a conscious state and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted a patient suffering from a fractured right leg and abrasions about his body.
His condition is regarded as stable. The Police have since conducted a breathalyser test on the two drivers but no trace of alcohol was found. Investigations are underway.