Home News Motorcyclists struck down by jeep, car
…another crashes into bus shed
Three motorcyclists are now nursing injuries from separate accidents over the weekend. 
In the first accident, a motorcyclist was struck by a car on the Two Miles Potaro Road, Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).
The accident occurred at about 14:20h on Saturday.
Injured is 46-year-old David Moore of Bartica Housing Scheme.
The man was reportedly on his motorcycle with registration number CL 769, proceeding east along the northern side of Two Miles, Potaro Road, Bartica, when motor car HC 2093, which was proceeding west along the southern side of the said road at a fast rate of speed, was in the process of negotiating a right turn in the vicinity of Two Miles Primary School.
Based on reports, the driver of the car lost control of the vehicle and collided with the front portion of the motorcycle on the northern side of the road, causing the bike to fall onto the car’s bonnet and then to the road’s surface where he received injuries about his body. 
He was picked up in a conscious condition and taken to the Bartica Regional Hospital where he was seen and examined by a doctor on duty and later admitted a patient suffering from lacerations to the head.
Notice of intended prosecution was served on the driver, a 27-year-old resident of Two and Half Miles Potaro Road, who passed a breathalyser test.
The driver is in custody assisting with the investigation.
Meanwhile, also on Saturday, another motorcyclist broke his leg and hand after he was struck down by a jeep at the intersection of Brickdam and Avenue of the Republic, Georgetown.
Injured is 59-year-old Enrique Monize of School Road, Cove and John, East Coast Demerara.
Reports are that at about 17:05h on Saturday, jeep, PMM 1028 was proceeding north along the western side of Avenue of the Republic and as the driver approached the Brickdam intersection, where the traffic lights were not working, he claimed that he stopped his vehicle and then proceeded to cross the intersection, proceeding further north.
It was then that he said he noticed the motorcyclist, who was proceeding west along the southern side of Brickdam without any safety helmet.
According to the driver, he also noticed two Police ranks on motorcycles driving behind the said motorcyclist. He claimed that the motorcyclist continued in the said direction at a fast rate of speed and collided with the right-side front portion of his vehicle.
As a result of the collision, the motorcyclist fell onto the road’s surface where he received injuries to his left foot and other parts of his body.
He was picked up in a conscious condition and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was seen and examined by doctors on duty and later admitted, suffering from a broken left leg and broken left hand.
A breathalyser test was conducted on the driver, a 19-year-old resident of Barnwell North, Mocha, East Bank Demerara, and no trace of alcohol was found to be in his system. Nevertheless, a notice of intended prosecution has been served as further investigations are continuing.
In another accident, a 27-year-old resident of West Canefield, Canje, Berbice, lost control of his motorcycle and crashed into a bus shed on the Cumberland Public Road, East Canje.
According to Police reports, at about 22:35h on Saturday, Karan Ramcharran was proceeding south along the eastern drive lane of the Cumberland Public Road, East Canje, Berbice, at a fast rate of speed on motorcycle CL 3046, when he lost control of the bike.
The motorcycle swerved east and collided into a wooden bus shed situated on the eastern side of Cumberland Public Road. As a result of the collision, Ramcharran received injuries about his head and body.
He was picked up in a conscious condition by public-spirited citizens and taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital where he was seen and examined by a doctor on duty who admitted him for observation, suffering from lacerations to his forehead and bruises about his body.
The motorcycle is lodged at Central Police Station to be examined by the Licensing and Certifying Officer. Investigations are ongoing. (G9)