“My dad always helped him” – son after father shot, robbed by acquaintance

A bandit shot and robbed a Brazilian national on Wednesday last at his Alberttown home, after he had begged him for some money.
Injured is 53-year-old Damião Berchiol Araújo, who was shot twice at around 22:00h in front of his wife and two daughters. The entire ordeal was captured on CCTV cameras.
Guyana Times was informed that Araújo arrived at his gate in his car, one of his daughters opened the gate, and he drove in while she locked the gate. A few seconds later, the suspect was seen approaching the gate.

The suspect pointing the gun in the direction of the victim

Footage seen by this publication shows that the bandit seemed to be calling out to Araújo, who was still in his yard. The Brazilian man responded by walking towards the gate and meeting the man. The duo had a brief conversation, and Araújo was seen reaching into his pockets and taking out what appeared to be money, which he handed to the suspect.
However, as he was walking away from the gate, the bandit whipped out a gun and pointed it at Araújo, who began backing away, but the bandit shot him in the leg and scaled the fence.
Family members said that after he scaled the fence, the bandit grabbed Araújo’s gold jewellery and made good his escape from the scene. Araújo was later taken to a city hospital for medical attention.
Meanwhile, in a post on Facebook on Tuesday, the Brazilian national’s son shared that the suspect is no stranger to their family.
“A couple of days now, I realized that no matter how good and kind you are to people, they will always try to take advantage of your kindness. This individual was around my dad for years; my dad always helped him in many ways,” the post read.
The suspect remains on the run. (G9)