Home News N/A Municipality implements by-law to penalise persons littering
The Mayor and Town Council of the municipality of New Amsterdam (NAM&TC) announced on Wednesday that a by-law has been reinforced to penalise persons caught indiscriminately dumping waste.
NAM&TC Health Inspector Ackloo Ramsudh has said this decision was taken by the NAM&TC not to burden residents of the town, but in the genuine belief that if such a by-law were instituted, it would fix the frequent littering being practised within the town.
Ramsudh explained that persons caught littering would be fined $10,000, but business owners caught dumping waste carelessly would be fined $100,000.
“The Municipality is providing a service, the service is most frequent, and you are required to have on your premises a container to put your waste in, so you should have no reason to be dumping your waste all over the place. And if you want to continue with this behaviour, then you will be dealt with severely,” Ramsudh explained, while adding that the Constabulary Department is equipped and will be carrying out regular policing within the township. “And if you are caught, you will face the consequences,” Ramsudh noted.
The municipality is also offering a substantial payout to persons who can provide evidence of persons littering.