NA money-changer robbed by armed men dressed as school children
A New Amsterdam money-changer was on Saturday robbed of an undisclosed sum of cash, and had his motor car confiscated by two bandits dressed in school uniform.
One of the men was dressed as a secondary school male student while the other was as a female. They both were armed with hand guns, and acted as a couple.
The car that was recovered at Overwinning, Greater New Amsterdam, on Sunday
The victim — Robin Busgith, 49, of Lot 173 Bermine Scheme, New Amsterdam, Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne) — was held at gunpoint moments after he exited his motor car.
The businessman, who plies his trade at the New Amsterdam Market, recalled arriving at home at about 16:45h on Saturday.
“I saw these two people coming from around the corner, but I did not pay attention to then; it just look to me like a boyfriend and girlfriend…,” he explained.
He said that just before exiting his car, his wife told him to take his licence out of the bag and leave it in the car.
“She say that sometimes I will want to go back out, so let me just leave the licence in the car and don’t take it upstairs. So I put my head down in the bag looking for the licence, and then I opened the door and go to the gate to open it. I just notice that these two people drop the umbrella and run straight to me,” he related, while noting that both individuals were wearing masks and wigs.
Busgith added that one of the bandits held him at gunpoint while the other held onto the bag he was carrying at the time.
“One of them say, ‘Shoot!’ and I tried to retaliate, and then I decided to loose the bag. I can’t exactly say how much was in it at this time… When the Police came, they just kept asking me how much (was in the bag)? How much? How much? And I just gave them a figure, but I couldn’t say at the time how much was in the bag. And then one of them (the bandits, had) lash me in my head with the gun,” the confused man disclosed.
According to the businessman, after he released the bag containing the money, the bandits ran towards his Toyota 192 Carina motor car, PGG 8582.
The female looking bandit took the wheel and sped off the scene, leaving the businessman shocked and helpless.
The car was however discovered on Sunday along a GuySuCo canefield dam at Overwinning, Greater New Amsterdam. Residents of the community reported that the car was seen there on Saturday afternoon shortly after 17:00h.
“We did not touch the car, and the Police came and took some photographs and then told us that the car has to be lodged at the Station. We had to send for a mechanic to start the car, because Robin did not have the keys. When we reach the Police Station, then the same Policeman said not to touch the car because he has to dust it for fingerprints; and at the scene he (had) told us to drive the car to the station”, a member of the search party explained.
The Police have launched an investigation into the incident. Up to late Sunday evening, no arrests were made.
Back in 2006, Busgith was attacked and relieved of cash after two armed bandits invaded his property. Police were able to arrest both men who had carried out the robbery back then.