The New Amsterdam Prison boxing gym is being resuscitated. Corentyne businessman Ameer Bacchus has donated the equipment needed to resuscitate this gym, which had in the past produced some of Guyana’s champion boxers.
The businessman has made a generous donation of boxing gear and books to the New Amsterdam Prison, to be used for the benefit of both the male and female prisoners therein incarcerated. The boxing gear was donated with the aim of resuscitating the gym at that correctional facility, which has for some time become defunct. The books, which amount to approximately one hundred, include educational materials and novels. They were sourced through a US-based Guyanese, and will serve to establish a library.
Some of the boxers pose with the equipment donated to the NA Prison’s Boxing Gym
According to Bacchus, he is concerned about the welfare of others, regardless of their background, and accordingly was prompted to make the contribution to ensure the inmates were provided with adequate recreational activities.
He says he has recognised the importance of the inmates being gainfully engaged while they await their trials or serve their sentences.
Acknowledging that it is the Easter season, Bacchus expressed the view that some people fall off the narrow path for different reasons, and therefore should not all be written off and forgotten. He emphasised that many of us have been given second chances in life, and if we can contribute to someone else’s second chance and to the happiness and betterment of the lives of others, we should not hesitate to do so, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
Bacchus has also committed to providing the services of a private boxing coach for the prisoners, and to continue donating wood for fuel for the preparation of meals for the inmates.
Officer-in-Charge of the New Amsterdam Prison, Deoraj Gyandat, in expressing gratitude, promised maximum use of the items.
He recalled that the Republican Boxing Gym was one of the best gyms across Guyana.
“We are trying to have that prestige back again within the Guyana Prison Service. Mr Bacchus also promised that he will assist with the resuscitation of the gym area, and we are looking forward for that greatly; and by doing all of this, it will largely contribute towards the integration of inmates into society, causing them to live good lives in society,” he declared. (Andrew Carmichael)