Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter by one Gerhard Ramsaroop, published in a section of the media under the caption, “AFC has squandered its opportunity”, it should not have the PM position. While I can agree with him that the AFC has squandered its chance, I want to remind Mr Ramsaroop to take off his blinkers and also recognise that the PNC, all by itself, has squandered the opportunity given to it by the citizens to rule Guyana after the last elections.
Mr Ramsaroop also has the audacity to state “The PNC retains goodwill, thanks largely to the Grangers”. What has this man been smoking lately? Is he so desperate to be the PM Candidate of the PNC that he spews such rubbish?
If one were to look at the credentials of the PNC over the last 4 years, it is one populated with prejudice against another group outside of Mr Granger’s group. This PNC-led administration is one buried in corruption, so much so that the Auditor-General, in his latest report, implored this Granger administration to produce the evidence on the $600 million missing from the Durban Park Project?
BOYO must be turning in his grave to be watching down on the nonsense his son has emitted here, and Gerhard must not be given a free pass, since he has now entered the political arena with this toxic piece.
So the question to ask is: What do we do with someone who rolls from the PPP to the AFC to the PNC? We should treat him exactly like how we treat his arch-nemesis, Mr Khemraj Ramjattan and Mr Moses Nagamootoo — with scorn.
After Mr Granger offered him a big job, Mr Ramsaroop picked up his “paridhan” (belongings) and ran away from Mr Granger, and now he wants to walk into the PNC camp, and they must all clear the way for him to be Mr Granger’s PM Candidate?
What happened to people like Mr Khemraj Ramjattan, who has stood side-by-side with Mr. Granger, covering up his incompetence and deflecting all the allegations of corruption against the regime?
What I see from Mr Gerhard Ramsaroop is the embodiment of one who is a naked political opportunist, equal in calibre to Mr Derek Basdeo or Mr Sherod Duncan from the AFC. What I see is someone seeking a job from his old friend, Mr Granger. Well, it is too late now, since under a caretaker/interim government, even Mr Granger cannot hire him, and soon Mr Granger will become an illegitimate head of a JUNTA, and then after than a private citizen on a pension if the voters are allowed to vote in free and fair elections.
Lisa Ally