NIS’ slow pace, inefficiencies

Dear Editor,
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) views with consternation and dissatisfaction the high level of inefficiency in the operations of the National Insurance Scheme.
The Chamber continues to receive complaints from members of the business community, as well as from individuals registered with the NIS, about the slow pace of conducting business with the agency; inefficiency in services; as well as failure of the NIS to transition to a digitised system, which would allow for timely and convenient transactions.
With countless complaints in regard to an inability to contact the agency via the telephone numbers provided, the hassle involved in registering a company, and misplaced documents which result in applicants having to reapply, the entire procedure results in lost time for businesses.
As one of the world’s most rapidly emerging economies, and as a nation with such heightened investment interest, it is appalling that businesses are facing delays in registration due to the bureaucratic procedures implemented by NIS.
Coupled with the outcry of contributors over the slow pace of processing applications, poor record-keeping, and delayed disbursements, there is urgent need for a review of the feasibility of systems being used by the Scheme, and for reforms to be implemented to address the growing challenges with this Scheme.
Advancement of the business landscape in Guyana cannot continue to be impeded by incompetence and complacency.

Georgetown Chamber
of Commerce and
Industry (GCCI)