Dear Editor,
Please permit me the space to comment on what appears to be a very disgusting and deplorable display and reckless use of power by Minister Simona Broomes and her driver with regard to the New Thriving Restaurant episode recently.
Editor, every Guyanese that voted for change in the last general election and were hoping that these thuggish and brutish behaviours would become a thing of the past with the new Administration is slowly realising that this may have been a pipe dream.
As a voter and taxpayer, Ms Broomes is an embarrassment to the leadership of this country and I believe some measure of discipline if not dismissal should be considered.
This is not the first episode involving this Minister and I guarantee if she continues it will not be the last; however, I am very much pessimistic to the idea that anything will be done as we continue to see a President who is reluctant to admonish Ministers for bad behaviours or incompetence.
Editor, after three years in power and numerous blunders and bad behaviours from his inner circle, it is abundantly clear that this President is no Kamala Bissessar, the once famous Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister who fired 11 Ministers in four years and who positioned that “there must be no compromise on integrity, no allowance for arrogance, no room for violation of mutual respect; there will be no sacrifice of our values on the altar of political expediency”.
I absolutely believe if not for the videos we would have had a very different outcome to this hugely embarrassing moment for the APNU coalition and possible still have had two private security personnel still in jail and potentially facing charges.
This display of thuggery and boorish behaviour is not what we the voters expected when we voted for change, for decency, for respect, for rule of law after so many awful years under the PPP Administration.
While I am thankful for what appears to be the vindication of the security personnel at the New Thriving Restaurant, Providence, East Bank Demerara, what I fear is that this Minister, who seems to have a laundry list of bad encounters and bad reputations among her colleagues, would be given a pass simply because as one media source insinuatingly justifies “she is rough around the edges” and “comes from a mining background”.
This only reinforces what we the public see as habitual behaviour from elected officials and their entourages. I myself have been witness to thuggish behaviour from drivers and security personnel of some elected officials.
I would like to implore to our leaders to not only hold themselves to a high standard but hold their peers as well since their actions can damage your image and status. I implore them to not condone these types of behaviours but to admonish it for what it is and what it can do your party, and also because we have had too much of it in the past and we should not make excuses any longer.
Guyana is at a cusp of tremendous change and status in world, a chance to rid the demons of the past and stake her rightful place in history, time for a new chapter, a time to renew again and be spoken of and respected as we were in the 60s, 70s and early 80s, a time when they spoke highly of our philosophers, writers, poets, engineers, teachers and doctors…we should not have the likes of Ms Broomes ruining this great renaissance.
The world is watching Mr Granger, Guyanese are expecting better after so much abuse. Editor, I will continue to hope that one day we can all can proclaim that Guyana is blessed finally with leaders of humility, integrity and grace and our elected officials are examples for others to follow…I hope unlike everyone that this is not a pipe dream.
Tony Persaud