Nicola Joseph, the woman who was accused of stabbing her husband, Curtis McKinnon to death in a July 21,
Curtis McKinnon
2014 altercation at their Lot 12 Plantain Walk, West Bank Demerara home has been acquitted of murder.
This decision was handed down at the High Court in a trial heard before Justice Jo-Ann Barlow. The 12-member jury returned a not-guilty verdict as the prosecution could not disprove the self-defence case made out by Joseph’s Attorney Sonia Parag.
At Monday’s hearing, a brown handled stainless steel knife, believed to be the murder weapon, was tendered as evidence but the court heard that it was not dusted for fingerprints.
Under cross examination by Defence Counsel Parag, Police witness, Police Constable Alex Solomon was grilled as why the stainless steel murder weapon was not photographed, as with other pieces of evidence at the alleged murder scene. Constable Solomon explained he secured the murder weapon which bore drops of blood stains.
A blood-stained mint green mosquito net was shown to the jury and was also been tendered as evidence.
Eight witnesses testified during the trial, including Joseph’s two children.
The State was represented by lead Prosecutor Siand Dhurjon.