One finds in every society, people who are sycophantic and morally depraved

Dear Editor,
Freddie Kissoon has within recent times resorted to describing those persons whose contributions to the letter columns of the newspapers appear to support the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the former Government established by it as “slime eels”.
The letter columns of the newspapers provide an opportunity for all Guyanese to express their thoughts, ideas, comments and views on a diverse range of issues current and historical in our society. Every Guyanese enjoys the freedom to freely express themself but should avoid attracting liability for what they say or write. Every Guyanese enjoys the freedom of political choice, thought and opinion. Kissoon is an open supporter of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change coalition and a public advisor to the Government (though he seemingly painfully laments the fact that he and his advice are humiliatingly ignored by the Government). Kissoon’s political support and opinions must be respected. Of course, Kissoon is also entitled to critically examine the content of the contributions of those whose writings appear to be supportive of the PPP and the former Government but it is horribly boorish and indecent for him to resort to personal attack on those persons.
The description of anyone as a “slime eel” conjures up images of the worst human traits imaginable. When Kissoon describes those who support the PPP by their letter contributions to the newspapers as slime eels, not only does he thereby attack their undoubted freedom of expression but he also intentionally conveys to the public that they are an obsequious, morally depraved lot. It really takes a person with impeccable morals to so condemn others.
There is however, another dimension to Kissoon’s comments which I found perplexing. It is to be found in his words “the slime eels are really disgusting creatures in that not even half a word against the oceans, mountains and rivers of depravities that charactersed the reign of Jagdeo and Ramotar can be seen in their columns and letters.” Of the just quoted paragraph, it is obvious that Kissoon uses language for exaggerative purposes. I disagree with him, as I am entitled to do. I must not be understood as saying the past PPP Administration did no wrong, but I have digressed. The point I wish to make is that if someone is identified as being supportive of a particular group, it would be asinine to entertain an expectation that such a person would offer a critical public comment about that group. It would be like asking Basil Williams, Chairman of the People’s National Congress (PNC) to apologise to the Guyanese people for the suffering caused to them by the past PNC-led Government and for the oppression and brutal violations of the human rights of our people by that regime. And on that note, we are made to understand why President Granger is on record as saying that the PNC has nothing to apologise for, to the people of Guyana.
In reality however, I accept that we do have, as indeed one finds in every society, people who are sycophantic and morally depraved. So for example, if a lecturer at a university were to show favour to a female student in his/her class in return for shared intimacy or an amorous encounter, then perhaps society may label that lecturer “a slime eel”, or if a person habitually deprives others of the use of books by stealing those books, that person would justifiably earn the title of “slime eel”. But before offering such a label to anyone, we should each bear in mind, that it takes a “slime eel” to know a “slime eel”.

Selwyn Persaud