Home Letters Open letter to Granger: Guyanese and the world are asking you to...
Dear Mr Granger,
Many refer to the American Dream in terms of material acquisitions, but what I am most grateful for is the awakening it allowed for me in seeing the oneness among all peoples, despite one’s colour or race.
In writing to you from this understanding, I must say how troubled I am to hear of the current events surrounding the election in Guyana. How troubled to hear of all the violence – of stones being thrown into school buses and the resulting injuries to small, innocent children.
It troubles me because I can image the fear and pain those children endured, which will forever be seared in their souls.
I can imagine all this because of the fear I endured during the election of 1973 between Jagan and Burnham.
For the first time in my life, at seven years old, I recall being deeply afraid as we shuttered ourselves into our homes from the erupting violence on the streets. I recall my heart being troubled upon hearing news of the violent aftermath: the falling of police officers in their attempt to uphold peace, along with the deaths of innocent civilians.
Mr. Granger, how can we, after all this time since the brutal days of colonisation, stand still in division? How can we still adhere to the ridiculousness of colour lines, while the sun shines in equal measure upon all?
Why are the Guyanese people still being led to believe that if an African-Guyanese is elected, that leader would better serve the African- Guyanese population; or if an Indian-Guyanese is elected, the same would hold true for the Indian-Guyanese?
Well, Mr. Granger, nothing has changed much since the election of 1973. Nothing has changed much while both African and Indian leadership have exchanged hands in the governing of Guyana; and nothing will change until we all come together as one under the eyes of God.
Guyana is indeed like a paradise, a land so incredibly blessed, so abundant in resources of all kinds. I was there recently to receive healing from the teas my aunt gave me to drink from the soursop and lime trees, and in going for daily swims in the glorious ocean. I was there to be blessed by the great welcome of my people from all races; to feel their warmth, and to see in their eyes the ‘ONE Love’ which runs in the veins of us all.
Yet, my heart could not be shielded, nor could my eyes be closed to the suffering of the people in Guyana. My heart broke upon hearing of the suicidal death of a man who lost his job in the sugar industry when the sugar estates were all shut down; a man tragically took his life because he was unable to feed his family.
And while the sugar estates closed their doors, so did the rice mills. Some of those men who lost their means of livelihood abandoned their families, while others turned to alcohol to numb their feelings of hopelessness and despair. Those feelings of hopelessness and despair are far-reaching, as they impact most intensely the young people in Guyana, those in the most vulnerable stages of life.
I spoke to a teacher in Guyana who shared these insights, “There are no communities here. No place for young people to be supported in. The suicide rates for these youths have soared in Guyana. It’s a sad, sad thing.”
As we talked, I came to learn that, aside from the lack of communities to be supported in, much of the suicides stemmed from the situation of jobless that exists everywhere; these young, beautiful children, filled with so much potential, emerge from school to find no employment or anything productive to do with their lives. It is indeed a sad, sad thing.
What was also very sad was seeing the Berbice shoreline littered with plastic and garbage of every kind. And while the people discussed cleaning up the beach by shipping the recyclable items to a plant in Suriname for recycling, they were stopped and told by local government officials that there is a better plan coming. That plan never came; years later, it never came.
No one in your Government cared to listen and work to bring the necessary and desperately needed changes for the people in Guyana, as they were busy making speeches of gratitude to communist China for gifting them their brand-new BMW and Mercedes.
And while all of this is occurring, the people in Guyana continue to suffer; suffer from so much, like the broken medical system throughout the country.
One thing I have come to know for sure, Mr. Granger: there is ‘an Intelligence’ that rules this planet, before whom nothing is left unseen; an Intelligence which records every act we perform, the very acts that bring colour upon our souls. In this stage of the longsuffering history of Guyana, this is the only “colouring” we should worry about. Let’s pray for that colour to be of the abundant One Light which runs through all of creation.
Let us stop this horrific idea of our differences (Indians vs. Africans) that some Devil fed us many long years ago, and work to bring peace and prosperity for all upon the land of Guyana. We can work together to bring the changes and programmes which Guyana so desperately needs; not only educational programmes for farmers and children, but empowerment programmes for women, who have for too long been treated as second-class citizens.
Many have turned their backs on Guyana since the 1960s in order to escape political turmoil and economic hardship. Yet, fond memories of beautiful Guyana remain seared in the hearts of those who would like to return one day; who dream of returning one day. Our energies should not only be centred on making that a real possibility, but more towards creating a Guyana wherein all our children can laugh and play, instead of living in fear.
The legendary Bob Marley, who fought for peace and justice, asks the world in his song One Love: “Do you hear the children crying? He pleads to all, “Have pity on those whose chances grows thinner.” He sang to tell selfish, brutal rulers and all the power-mongers of the world – all those who only care about saving their “Own,” that they should know: “There ain’t no hiding place from The Father of Creation.” Most certainly, there is no hiding place, as we are all just dust blowing in the wind; dust gathering the karmic knitting that will be ours to own.
Mr. Granger, the election calls for you to step down. The Guyanese people and the world are asking you to step down. You need to comply, in order to bring an end to all the chaos and violence and help open the path to bring the much-needed changes for beautiful Guyana and its people. The world is watching, Mr. Granger; and so are God’s eyes.
Shakti Singh