Opposition Leader urges social cohesion during month of Ramadan

As the Muslim community commences its Holy Month of Ramadan, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is urging members to use the month of activities as an incentive to promote social cohesion despite social

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

segregations evident in Guyana.

While extending his greetings to Muslims across Guyana, Jagdeo reminded that in light of the calendar of activities, they should not lose sight of what the period essentially symbolises, not only for those within the religion but every other citizen of Guyana.

Pointing specifically to cohesive gestures that would ignite national unity, he mentioned that the country’s priority should be to reunite its people.

“Guyana is in need of every sincere effort that increases the cohesion of our society, fosters the ties of love and correlation therein, highlights its noble and virtuous values, and unites us to be one hand capable of building this country which is teeming with good and loyal citizens,” Jagdeo declared.

Notably, he emphasised on the overall display of kindness and hospitality which should be practised throughout the period, and even beyond, as the Month is usually characterised by demonstrations of goodwill by all Muslim brothers and sisters.

“This period of Ramadan inspires Muslims to focus more on others and think about those who are less fortunate. The principles and actions demonstrated during this time – of empathy, sacrifice, generosity and concern for the welfare of others – can be an inspiration for our nation, irrespective of faith.”

Alluding to the contributions by the Muslim community and their impact on Guyana’s development, Jagdeo commended them for their significant role in nation building.

“We in the PPP/C have always championed religious tolerance, and we are proud of the diverse traditions in our country and we recognise and commend the contributions Muslims have made and continue to make to enrich our society.”

He took the time to express his expectations of the Month of Ramadan bringing light to the current political situation in Guyana where discrimination and exclusion continued to segregate the population.

“Ramadan, a month of quiet contemplation, will no doubt trigger our thoughts to those who have been wronged, oppressed or discriminated against. The promise of a good life is but for a selected few. Our country is in need of a future without discrimination or exclusion of anyone,” Jagdeo mentioned.

The Opposition Leader reiterated his Party’s commitment to being advocates for a better quality of life for all Guyanese.

As the month of activities brings to the front burner a reflection of Guyana, Jagdeo encouraged a renewal of unity as the country strives to move forward while celebrating the auspicious period.