For the week of September 10 to 16, a total of 2247 traffic cases were made out against errant drivers across all Police Divisions throughout the country.
The aim is to ensure safer roads for travel by all.
This exercise saw traffic ranks engaging the schools, markets, liquor restaurants and bars, bus parks and more importantly, the communities.
Of the 2247 cases, speeding accounted for 652 while driving under the influence (DUI) accounted for 55.
Traffic Chief Mahendra Singh
Convictions have been obtained in a few of the charges, with fines ranging from $60,000 to $200,000.
While motorists are permitted to use the road, they are reminded that doing so with due care and caution for themselves and other road users remains unchanged.
Pedestrians are forewarned not to use the regulation crossing without observing the road, as ignorance is not an excuse.
Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh said Traffic ranks will continue to engage the all-important public at varying times daily to realise the change demanded to reduce accidents/wanton loss of lives.
Bar owners are also encouraged to resist ‘sale for profit’ and practice responsible business ethics, which can save lives. For the past few weeks, over 20 persons have lost their lives on Guyana’s roadways, most of whom are teenagers.